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10 Pet Peeves That Get Worse in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

1. Slow walkers

Imagine leaving your apartment at 11:55 for a noon class and getting stuck behind someone who clearly forgot how to walk.


2. Getting stuck with an awful group for a group project

In high school, group projects weren’t great but at least it meant that you were most likely with your friends (because you knew almost everyone) and you could hang out after school and get it done. Now that we’re in college you really just want to get the project done and get it done well, especially when your group is randomly assigned. Well, that’s not happening if you have the kid who is ignoring everyone’s group text until 10 pm the night before it’s due asking if it’s done. Yes it’s done; we did it, without you.


3. Loud chewing

It’s already particularly hard for me to understand and hear this professor. You chewing your apple isn’t helping.


4. When people are late

If I made plans with you, chances are that was the only time this week I had. If I’m even a minute behind, the rest of my day is messed up so thanks for nothing.


5. People smoking

It’s already hard enough to walk up and down the hills of Morgantown; I don’t need cigarette smoke blowing in my face to make it 10x harder.


6. People who don’t cover their mouths when they cough

Honestly, I don’t have time to get sick because then I’ll get behind and we can’t have that.


7. Line cutters

Listen, I’m sure you might be in a rush but so am I! I’m about to miss the season premier of Bachelor.


8. When people say, “you should’ve been there”

I couldn’t be there. I had an exam to study for, and two papers to write, and sleep to get.


9. PDA

I get it I’m single. Thank you for reminding me.


10. When people reschedule

We made plans because I finally had some time away from work, school, meetings, etc. If you try to reschedule, it could be weeks. We’re all busy college students here.

I am originally from Westchester, New York. I came to WVU for my undergrad in Strategic Communications with an emphasis on Public Relations and a minor in Sports Communication. My involvment on campus includes blogging for Her Campus, a sister of Alpha Phi, the assistant director of the media team on the Mountaineer Maniacs executive board and lastly, an athletic communications intern with the WVU Athletic Communications office. I will be graduating in May of 2017 and I am looking forward to getting started with my future career in Journalism and Public Relations!