It’s that time of the year again. There is no way to sugarcoat it: it’s time for finals. While the end of the semester is so close you can almost taste it, there are only a few exams standing in your way. It’s time to sit down and get crackin’ on those study guides, final papers, and flashcards. Here are 11 tips to help you ace those finals and end the semester with a “bang.”
1. Learn how you study best
For most of you this isn’t the first time you’ve taken a final, so hopefully you know how you study best. If not, focus on how you learn. Are you a visual learner? Hands-on? Listener? Find out how you learn and put it to your studying. If you are a visual learner, try flashcards. If you are a hands-on learner, maybe try scenarios to help you remember and understand. There are endless ways to study; find what works best for you.
2. Know the content and format of the final
You obviously have to be aware of what content will be on your final. If not, ask your professor. Know the format whether it be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or a written exam. Study accordingly. Never be afraid to ask questions.
3. Study in a group
Studying with your classmates is a great idea. It not only can be fun, but very rewarding. Studying with a group can help you recall on topics better and learn much faster. It’s definitely a great way to really get into the spirit of finals week.
4. Take study breaks
While finals week may seem overwhelming and you feel like you should be staring at your notes for an entire day, it is good to take breaks and allow your brain to really absorb the information.
5. Eat snacks while studying
What better way to keep that brain working than snacking while studying? Try some healthy choices like almonds, yogurt, or carrots. Trust me, your brain and stomach will thank you.
6. Get lots of sleep
It is important to be fully rested to conquer your finals. Your brain and body will need lots of energy to do so. While you might be tempted to pull an all-nighter, it’s not a good idea. Make sure to get a full eight hours of sleep the night before an exam.
7. Exercise
Believe it or not, exercise is a great way to give your body energy to study. Sitting around staring at notes and reading your textbook will really take a toll on your focus. If you start feeling distracted or like your studying is at a dead zone, try getting your blood pumping with some exercise. Do some jumping jacks, go on a run, or walk your dog.
8. Don’t procrastinate
I know there is nothing appealing about studying. It isn’t on anyone’s list of hobbies, I’m sure. Don’t wait till the last minute to start studying. Cramming in a ton of content the night before an exam is not a good idea. Start studying as soon as possible, a little bit each day. You will remember the content much faster and better. The sooner you get started, the better you will do. (And the closer you are to freedom)
9. Go to the library
We as WVU students are blessed with outstanding libraries with lots of space to help us focus and study: use them. The library is a quiet place to really crack down and focus on your finals. Plus, the atmosphere is bound to give you a boost to get started.
10. Drink lots of water
While caffeine is usually your go-to when it’s time to study, you are better off choosing good ole H20. It’s important to stay hydrated.
11. Relax
I know this time of the year is super stressful; there is absolutely no way of denying it. The best way to handle the situation is to relax. Do the best you can do, and be happy with yourself. Look at how far you’ve come: a semester almost in the books.