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Butler and Stinespring crowned Mr. and Ms. Mountaineer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

Every year around 70 candidates apply to take on the role of Mr. and Ms. Mountaineer at West Virginia University.  The tradition has been part of WVU for more than 40 years and is not just about the title.  Finalists have been able to host events throughout the academic year that range from talent shows to craft fairs.  The newly elected 2011-2012 Mr. and Ms. Mountaineer is Ryan Butler, a five years master student in secondary math education and senior public relations major, Katlin Stinespring.  Her Campus caught up with them to learn more about the award.
“The Mr. and Ms. Mountaineer embody the entire Mountaineer spirit and serve as the ideal representation of a West Virginia University student, from academic achievement and positive attitudes to community activism, extra-curricular involvement, leadership and professional experience,” said Stinespring.  “The individuals have a dear respect for their university and state and seek to represent both in the best manner possible at all times.”
Butler tells us that he was somewhat nervous when applying for the position.
“The application process was slightly nerve-wracking. I didn’t turn my application in until the last minute and even then, I didn’t think I had much of a chance,” said Butler.  “It was a great honor to even be a finalist, though I was nervous after my interview since mine was shorter than the other Mr. Mountaineer Finalists.”
Stinespring and Butler both explain how they felt at the WVU/Louisville game when the announcement was made.

“It was a complete shock and amazement,” said Butler.  “I was in disbelief for most of the day after the announcement. It was very humbling.”

“When the announcement was made I was completely surprised and very excited,” said Stinespring.  “I was so thankful because it was just a reflection of everything I had worked for the past four years at the university and my whole life.”
Stinespring and Butler also share with us what is in store for their positions in the future.
“In January, Mr. Mountaineer Ryan Butler and I will host a blood drive and assist with promoting and organizing,” said Stinespring.  “Other community service activities are in the works as well.”
“I will also be participating in the inaugural Dancing with the Mountaineer Stars even in March,” said Butler.
To find out more about the duties of Mr. and Ms. Mountaineer or to start preparing your application for next year head over to mountaineerweek.wvu.edu.

Rachel is a junior at West Virginia University and a direct-admit to the P.I. Reed School of Journalism, majoring in public relations with a minor in dance. She is the treasurer of the WVU chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America and a member of the WVU Dance Ensemble. Rachel is currently an intern with the Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce, where she single-handedly designs, writes and edits the monthly newsletter. She also works part-time at Guess. Writing, dancing and fashion are all passions of Rachel’s. In her free time, she enjoys getting coffee, shopping (especially for high heels and dresses), tanning, sushi, reading, listening to music and being a closet movie buff. Rachel’s hometown is Pittsburgh, PA, where she hopes to return to live and work someday at a public relations agency.