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Check Out Truvia in Our Barnes & Noble Starbucks Cafe!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

If you are like me, it’s almost impossible to get through a busy day of classes, activities, internships and jobs without a tasty Starbucks latte. There’s just one major dilemma: calories. Well rest (or don’t rest) easy, collegiettes; The WVU Barnes and Noble Cafe has an answer to our problem. You may have seen the poster of Truvia® while waiting in line for your beloved Starbucks, but may not have taken the time to understand what it is.

Truvia® is an all-natural sweetner that is made from rebiana, the most flavorsome part of the stevia leaf. What’s the best part of Truvia®? It has zero calories! Not only can you use it in your coffee and tea, but you can also bake with it or sprinkle it on your morning cereal or grapefruit. Truvia® can be purchased at any major grocery store (or found at WVU’s Barnes and Noble Cafe). A 40-count box of Truvia® packets is sold for $3.99, and Truvia® spoonable is sold in an equivalent of 80 packets for $6.99. 

Truvia® and rebiana are completely safe. The FDA and the World Health Organization, along with many other government agencies in the United States and the world, have recognized its safety. Truvia® is also safe for diabetics because it has no effect on the glycemic index (it doesn’t raise or lower blood sugar). 

You actually may be already using Truvia® and not even know it! Truvia® can be found in vitaminwater zero, Powerade Play, YoCrunch 100-calorie yogurt and Kraft Crystal Light Pure, among many others.

I tried Truvia® for myself, and I have to say that it is definitely the best sugar-substitute out there. Don’t make the same mistake I did, though. One packet of Truvia® provides the same sweetness as two tablespoons of sugar, so go easy on it when adding it to your favorite Starbucks beverage. For a sweetness conversion chart, plus lots of yummy recipes, check out truvia.com

Next time you’re in the Barnes and Noble Starbucks Cafe (and that will probably be two hours from now, don’t lie to yourselves, collegiettes), give Truvia® a try. It might just be your new favorite way to lower your daily calorie intake!

Rachel is a junior at West Virginia University and a direct-admit to the P.I. Reed School of Journalism, majoring in public relations with a minor in dance. She is the treasurer of the WVU chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America and a member of the WVU Dance Ensemble. Rachel is currently an intern with the Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce, where she single-handedly designs, writes and edits the monthly newsletter. She also works part-time at Guess. Writing, dancing and fashion are all passions of Rachel’s. In her free time, she enjoys getting coffee, shopping (especially for high heels and dresses), tanning, sushi, reading, listening to music and being a closet movie buff. Rachel’s hometown is Pittsburgh, PA, where she hopes to return to live and work someday at a public relations agency.