Dear Upcoming Recruiter,
As our last years of recruitment approach us quickly, maybe a little too quickly, we want to share a couple tips on what we think would help all of the younger recruiters. Remember to always be comfortable and be yourself. What a PNM will remember the most is a real conversation, a conversation where she felt a true connection with you. Also, always remember to take recruitment seriously, but not too seriously. In the end this is about life long friendships and inseparable bonds. Finally, just roll with it. No conversation will ever be perfect, and mistakes will be forgotten. Have fun because these are the best years of your life.
   Anonymous WVU Greek Life Seniors
Even though recruitment is a super fun time, there are a few things you just CANNOT get through the week without. Â Here I have for you a detailed list of everything you need to survive a full week of sorority recruitment.
#1 Coffee
Recruitment is long and tiring. Wait, let me rephrase that recruitment WILL kick your ass. So, that means every morning drink a cup of coffee then continue to drink it to the day ends. Â
#2 Band â Aids
Even though you mightâve packed your comfiest heels. Hours on your feet will require Band-Aids.
#3 Mints
Sitting in a room with 40 other girls requires you to be up close and personal with your PNM. So, please do her a favor and refresh your breath. Because that could be a miserable 45 minutes of stank.
#4 Cough Drops
You will be singing, chanting, screaming, and repetitively talking for hours upon hours. Please do your PNM a favor and find your favorite flavor of cough drops so she doesnât think you smoke ten packs a day.
#5 Make up
Just for the little touch ups between parties.Â
#6 Hair Brush
We all want to look our best, and feel our best. So, you canât forget your hairbrush!
#7 Deodorant
This is NECESSARY. No PNM wants to smell or see pit stains and I really hope you donât want that either. So, please remember to bring deodorant. I personally think Secret Scent Expressions Clear Gel works the best.
#8 Vitamin C
If youâve lived in a dorm you should know this is cold and flu season. Therefore, every PNM that walks into your home is infected because the flu bug is evil in dorms. So, do yourself a favor and ingest as much Vitamin C as possible. Going through recruitment with a sickness would not be fun.
#9 Candy
Any day is better when you have some candy! Bring some to share with your sistas!
#10 Oil Sheets
Oily skin is not fun, not pretty, and not appealing in pictures. Take it from a girl who has it every second of every day. So, just do yourself a favor and buy some oil sheets to put in your purse.
#11 Smile
SMILE; make your PNM know how happy you are to be there. But, check your teeth to make sure that snack you just shoved in your mouth between parties isnât showing.
#12 Morning Yoga
If youâve experienced yoga before it can easily calm the mind and body. If not, I personally think a drop-in session at one of our local Morgantown studios would be amazing.
#13 Snacks
I think this speaks for itself. We all love food, and we all donât want to see the moody hungry monster that comes out of you. So, hide some snacks in your pockets girlfriend.
 #14 Awkward Conversation Starter
Chances are you might have to talk to that girl that acts like a blank wall. So, before this happens to you find that one awesome story to make sure you find a way to make your PNM smile.
#15 Good Vibes
Keep happy vibes and a positive attitude always. Itâll all be worth it in the end when you have the most amazing new sisters.
And I say this with my whole heart so don’t take this too lightly – RELAX – You’re going to get an amazing group of girls you get to call sisters. Â We already love you, new members.