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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

We all know that the last few weeks of the semester can be somewhat stressful. For some strange reason our professors seem to wait until those last few weeks to make every assignment or project possible due. Well, here are a few ways to deal with that end-of-semester stress:


1. Work it out.

The end of the semester will make you want to cry just thinking about it. However, a quick jog or workout will help release endorphins that will boost your mood and will help calm down your over-active mind. Before you begin your long journey or studying until your brain hurts, try to fit some kind of activity in. This will allow you to have a clear mind.

2. Talk about it.

Anxiety is common during the last few weeks of the semester. But don’t keep it bottled up. Talk to your friends, mom, dad, or anyone for that matter. Tell them what is stressing you out and why and they will offer very good advice. Talking about these things will allow you to reduce your feeling of anxiety. 

3. Take a break.

Don’t spend multiple hours at a time with your nose in the books. By taking a break every hour or so will allow you to refocus and clear your mind of all the information you are trying to drill into your brain.  Maybe grab a cup of coffee, or read a non-school related book. 

4.Get organized.

The end of the semester seems to be extremely overwhelming with multiple deadlines for different assignments, projects, and extra credit. Make a calendar and write in when everything is due. When you finish something cross it out. This will allow you to not be as stressed because you have a better understanding of when everything is due.


Don’t worry, being stressed during the end of the semester is completely normal. This is a time when the social life is at a minimum and the all-nighters are at a high. Just remember these four tips when you are up at 3 a.m. studying for that exam you HAVE to pass.