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Top 10 cozy soups that will keep you warm this fall

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

The beginning of autumn brings that welcome cold breeze; leaves crunch under your feet as you walk the streets, a warm tea or coffee held firmly in both hands. The perfect meal for such a day would of course be a nice steaming bowl of soup. No matter what kind, just imagine it heating you up from the inside out, fragrant flavors dancing on your tongue. It’s the embodiment of fall, the perfect staple and there are so many different and expressive ways to do it.


My first suggestion and personal favorite is potato soup. It’s the perfect meal for the chilly days of fall. When the wind is harsh and biting, this creamy and hardy dish will warm you right up!


Butternut squash soup is magnificent if you’re looking for a smooth, easy dish. It can easily be made vegetarian by adding vegetable stock instead of chicken stock. Make it cute with a parsley garnish!


A common classic and one typically paired with grilled cheese where I’m from. Tomatoes are a plentiful source, so if you grow your own, use some to whip up tomato soup.


A curry-based soup with lots of spices to take your breath away, this soup’s origin is southern India. If you’re feeling adventurous, try your hand at making Mulligatawny. Your taste buds will thank you.


I simply can’t leave out pumpkin soup in this article. Take advantage of having so many around this fall season. You can’t make it year round, so capitalize!


For many,this dish is a comforting childhood memory. With its basic, filling ingredients and creamy base, I have to say, clam chowder is next on my list to try!


Simple ingredients, yet a robust taste. If you’re feeling experimental, you can even make it with different kinds of mushrooms. The options are limitless! (Just… stay away from the poisonous variety, okay?)


A light soup that is perfect to have as an appetizer before the main course. It’s flavorful and airy, and come on, the way you make it is really kind of cool.


This soup has a strong and well-known flavor. It is also great to enjoy with croutons or a nice, warm piece of bread on the side. It can be time consuming, however, so plan a night just for making it!


Even though it’s last on the list, that doesn’t make it any less perfect for the season. The combination of cheese and broccoli is a bit out there when you think about it, but together they just work.

Soup can be so comforting in the cold months, so enjoy it before the weather turns once again. Make some to enjoy with your loved ones, or just for yourself. (Nothing wrong with keeping tasty food just for you!) I know I’ll be having some of the ones I listed in this article, so make sure you do too to brighten up your fall season!

Heyy!! my name is Katie, and I am in my freshman year of college, majoring in journalism. I have a large interest in LGBTQ rights, women's rights, and advocacy for people with disabilities. I adore writing with all my heart and hope to bring the big issues to light!