Applying for internships can be very stressful, especially since they get so competitive. Internships help you gain experience, allow you to network, and build friendships with certain people who could help you in the future. Lauren Berger calls herself “The Intern Queen,” and that is exactly what she is. Here are a few reasons why you should check her out:
1. Berger is the nation’s most in demand career and internship expert.
So obviously, you want to be taking her advice. It doesn’t get much better than this.
2. She can help you spice up your resume.
Having the perfect resume is a crucial step in landing that one internship you are dying to get. The Intern Queen can help you achieve this.
3. She covers topics ranging from cover letters to interviews.
The Intern Queen website is perfectly organized, with a section for each topic relating to literally everything you need to know about internships and what life is like post internships.
4. The website lists hundreds of open internships from all over the world!
Not only does she offer tips and advice, but real internships that are available across the U.S. and overseas. Go take a look!
So, if you are thinking about getting a little taste of the real world, go check out or follow @internqueen on Instagram!