Whether you’re about to graduate or are just starting college, you’re probably looking for a job to pay bills and get experience in your prospective field. While sometimes you will get the job or internship, many times you will just be rejected. Rejection is the one thing that can instantly crush someone’s self esteem and it’s okay to feel like giving up because of it. But you have to take a deep breath and try to make it through. There are a few upsides to not getting the job, no matter how much you wanted it.
Application experience
You can never have enough experience applying for jobs. There are always new tips and criteria for the application process, so do your research into the company and what they want of the position. Work on your résumé and cover letter techniques because that is what makes your first impression and will gain you an interview. Practice interview questions with a friend and scrutinize what an interviewer may think of you. With each time, you will improve and look more professional.
You probably didn’t have the time anyway
College students are involved in a little bit of everything. From part-time jobs to internships to student organizations, there is hardly any time for anything else, yet somehow college students seem to balance it all out. While grinding every second away to gain as much experience as possible while in school seems like a good thing, you probably didn’t have the time for another job. Instead of fretting over missing an opportunity, appreciate the added free time instead. Have a relaxing night in with your BFFs to get over the rejection slump.
Networking opportunity
If you didn’t quite make the cut but know you almost got the job, don’t consider this a complete failure. By showing you’re a professional and following up after the interview to thank your interviewer, you’re creating relationships in the company that could help you in the future. If you apply for another job in the company, chances are the hiring committee there will remember who you are, and you’ll have a better chance of getting that job. You might even be able to use the interviewer as a connection to another department or company he or she is involved with.
No matter how many times you hear that dreaded “sorry we decided to go another direction,” phrase, remember that you can’t let this stop you. Keep trying and striving through each day and one day you’ll get the job and appreciate the prior rejection.