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25 Signs it’s the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.


1. Her Campus is posting articles about how to keep your motivation at the end of the semester. http://www.hercampus.com/school/wvwc/tips-stay-motivated-end-semester

2. You went searching for your poor blogger who went MIA last week, only for her to resurface in this blog that is meant to be an explanation of where she has been.

3. You’re reading this, searching for camaraderie in your fellow collegiettes.

4. Your calendar looks like your pens exploded all over it.

5. Do you remember how you said you wouldn’t procrastinate this semester? Yeah, we all remember that. Those were the days.

6. You don’t even have time for Pinterest, but you make time in class.


7. You have a countdown to the end of the semester.

8. You don’t know the last time you did laundry.

9. You have started buying undergarments instead of actually washing the ones you already have.

10. You are going through the five stages of sleep deprivation:

denial (“Sleep is for the weak!”),

bargaining (“Just five more minutes,” or “If I get this done, I can take a nap,” or “I will go to bed and get up early to get this done.”),

pure exhaustion (“Please, just let me sleep. If I can just get to the weekend, I can sleep in.”),

anger (“I swear, I’m going to beat up that guy in class who just refuses to shower,” or “If that girl does NOT stop chomping her gum in my ear, I’m going to rip it out of her mouth and shove it up her nose” **These are just examples, I’m not saying this is what I do or condone you do.**), and

delirium (everything, absolutely everything is funny. Stupid cat videos, knock-knock jokes, rainbows and unicorns).

11. When was the last time you had a fully nutritional meal?

12. You’ve been to Sheetz after midnight so many times, you’re about to have to apply for a credit card.

13. In a positive light, you’re ready to start cashing in those rewards you’ve been banking up all semester.

14. Your Cat’s Claw dollars are gone. Where did they all go?

15. Your caffeine tolerance is so high, you’re pretty sure you’re doing some damage to your body.


16. You’re starting to forget to do everyday things, i.e. deoderant, wash your hair, shave, brush your teeth.

17. Did I eat dinner last night?

18. You don’t have time to eat.

19. You’re trying to find all your books on SparkNotes (It’s not just for high schoolers, I still use it).

20. Your family has been wondering if you are okay.

21. Now your family is concerned. You haven’t called, you haven’t texted, you haven’t Skyped, you haven’t emailed, you haven’t been on Facebook.

22. You’re not quite sure how many all-nighters you’ve pulled this semester… heck, this month.

23. You’re planning your Netflix binge for the week of May 7th.

24. You’ve moved to “Need-to-Do” basis on homework (whatever is due first and is worth the most points is of highest priority).

25. You have skipped class at least twice to finish work for another class

Best of luck Collegiettes! May the end of semester odds be ever in your favor!

2015 graduate, and part of the founding HerCampus WVWC team, Stephanie now works as a Technical Writer for a technology contractor in Bridgeport, WV. Stephanie married her husband, JR, in October 2014, and together they have one toddler girl who is stealing their hearts and sanity one day and one dumped bowl of crackers at a time.
A public relations major with a passion for social media, the arts, and all things Disney, writer Corinne Weaver hopes to bring some Her Campus flare to WVWC. Weaver performs with the WVWC Theatre and Dance department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and interned at the National Aquarium in the Summer of '14! This Co-Editor-In-Chief will always love her close-knit hometown of Oakland, Maryland, but looks forward to opportunities to branch out in the future. Follow her @CorinneWeaver4 on Twitter and Instagram!