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3 Style Tips to Get You Through Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

The sun is shining, birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming—and students are walking around campus like caffeine-crashed zombies.

It can only mean one thing:

the much anticipated (and dreaded) Death Week is upon us.


It’s the end of the semester and all you want to do is pack up your room and head home so that you can do absolutely nothing for three glorious months. The last thing on your mind is cramming your head full of a whole semester’s worth of information, most of which you’ve already forgotten or didn’t understand in the first place.

Naturally, your first inclination is to buy a one-way ticket aboard the Struggle Bus. If you’re going to prep for exams with only a few days to kill, you have to let some things go.

This is the week where walking around in sweats and yesterday’s makeup is totally acceptable, right?

Um, no. Ke$ha-chic is never acceptable.

Under any circumstances.


But here’s the best part: you can look presentable and feel comfortable at the same time! You can even have those much needed extra 15 or 20 minutes of sleep.

Just follow these style tips and getting through finals will be a breeze!



1.      Think Harem—not Yoga.

Ditch the yoga pants, sweats, and flip flops. Or, better yet, burn them. Thanks to the genius invention of harem pants (and MC Hammer), you can kiss your basic bottoms goodbye! Harem pants are loose and breezy, so you won’t feel like you’re about to combust during your exams. Instead, you’ll feel calm, cool, collected—and comfortable! This way, you can ace your exams and look fabulous doing it.



2.      Hide it with Your Headband.

Let’s face it: we’ve all rocked the second-day (or sometimes even third-day) hair during finals. It’s gross, but hey, who has time to shower when you’re trying to memorize 20 pages of notes, meet with your five different study groups, pack, and still get an ample amount of sleep?

If you’ve used up your supply of dry shampoo and you’re sick of wearing a beanie in May, the answer to your greasy hair prayers is simple: a giant headband.

It’s really that easy! The wrap-style headbands are usually the best option because they’re made out of stretchy fabric, so they won’t dig into your already throbbing head. Plus, they look super trendy, especially if you’re going for a bohemian look!



3.      Use it to Your Tea-vantage.

Shockingly enough, tea has purposes other than giving you that much desired caffeine high. It can actually be used to reduce under-eye puffiness and dark circles. Even if you’re pulling an all-nighter (which you should never do), you can hide your tiredness like a pro—and without using an entire bottle of concealer.

According to livestrong.com, green tea is the perfect solution for dark circles and puffiness. The tannins found in the tea can reduce swelling and tighten the skin under the eyes.

So, all you have to do is steep two bags of green tea for a few minutes. Then, remove the bags from the water and make sure they’ve had time to cool before placing them under your eyes. Then—bam! It looks like you’ve just had a full eight hours of sleep as opposed to the two that you’ve actually had.      

Maty recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC), and she couldn’t be more excited to return to the Her Campus family as a member of the Community Team.  Maty’s passion for writing has guided her through most of her adult life, and it eventually brought her to to the Her Campus Chapter Network as a Style Blogger for Her Campus WVWC. Maty would go on to become Campus Correspondent of her chapter, as well as an intern for Her Campus National and a Chapter Advisor.  Through her different roles at HC, Maty quickly fell in love with the mission and purpose of the Her Campus Chapter Network—and in her new role, Maty has the rare and coveted opportunity to do what she loves on a daily basis by working with a growing network of 360+ college chapters.    When Maty isn’t at the office, she’s usually out exploring, cooking some random recipe she found on Pinterest, or cuddling with her adorable corgi, Winnie.  Follow Maty on Twitter and Instagram !
A public relations major with a passion for social media, the arts, and all things Disney, writer Corinne Weaver hopes to bring some Her Campus flare to WVWC. Weaver performs with the WVWC Theatre and Dance department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and interned at the National Aquarium in the Summer of '14! This Co-Editor-In-Chief will always love her close-knit hometown of Oakland, Maryland, but looks forward to opportunities to branch out in the future. Follow her @CorinneWeaver4 on Twitter and Instagram!