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Kristen Cosner 16′ HC WVWC Social Media Guru

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Meet our Social Media Chair – Kristen Cosner!



Kristen is a junior marketing major and music minor. She is from right here in Buckhannon, West Virginia.

After spending her freshman year at WVWC, she wanted a change of scenery and transferred to West Virginia University for the 2013-2014 school year. There, she started her Her Campus career with the WVU chapter as their social media chair. She worked to build relationships with the thousands of collegeittes on campus and helped create giveaways to reward their faithful fans.

When she transferred back to Wesleyan this year, she graciously offered her expertise to the WVWC chapter, and is now the voice for our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Every time you see a clever tweet or a like from our pages, it’s Kristen at work! Our chapter would not be the same without her!

Kristen says she’s loved working in two totally different chapters, where she gets to know so many great collegiettes. 

“I love interacting with our campus and other campus chapters around the United States,” said Cosner. “It reminds me that we’re all in college going through similar things!”Along with her involvement with Her Campus, she is also a sister of Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Iota, a member of WVWC ENACTUS, WVWC Marketing Association, and W.I.S.E. She also plays saxophone for the WVWC Jazz Ensemble.

Kristen says Her Campus gives her something other extracirriculars couldn’t.

“Her Campus has given me irreplaceable experience in writing articles, but most importantly, experience marketing our chapter through social media,” said Cosner. “This experience compliments my major perfectly.”She plans to pursue her MBA and is awaiting confirmation on a possible summer internship!

Thanks for being such a great part of our team Kristen!


Have ideas you’d love to see on our social media accounts? Tweet @HerCampusWVWC and pass your thoughts on to Kristen!

A public relations major with a passion for social media, the arts, and all things Disney, writer Corinne Weaver hopes to bring some Her Campus flare to WVWC. Weaver performs with the WVWC Theatre and Dance department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and interned at the National Aquarium in the Summer of '14! This Co-Editor-In-Chief will always love her close-knit hometown of Oakland, Maryland, but looks forward to opportunities to branch out in the future. Follow her @CorinneWeaver4 on Twitter and Instagram!