Dear struggling college student,
I realize that this week is synonymous with our earthly understanding of hell. I don’t disagree. However, this week is important. Even though we are exhausted in every possible way, the upcoming dates determine the outcome of the previous months of the semester.
It is critical that you hang in there—mind, body and spirit—in order to perform at your best. Be sure to plan your schedule in an organized and detailed fashion. You don’t want to pass over an assignment or an exam because you forgot to pencil it in. Make sure that you work on each of your obligations every night. That way, your load isn’t as overwhelming, and your mind will be more open to new information!
Get lots of sleep. Seriously. This is certainly not the time to deprive yourself of precious Zs.  Drink coffee when needed, but don’t use it as a crutch for exhaustion. Eat three meals a day, minimum. Don’t underestimate the power of snacks, especially sweet and sugary ones! Dress comfortably. I promise no one will judge you for wearing your favorite hoodie or your most festive pajama pants. It’s important to be warm and comfy, especially if you’re planning to sit in the library for hours on end. Your butt will probably get numb, so pillows and blankets are essential! Be sure to keep headphones nearby too. You don’t want to hear others crunching their Cheetos while you are trying to memorize chemical makeups.
Most importantly, be sure to take care of yourself. Make time for breaks. Spend time with friends. Relax every now and then. You will not be successful if your physical and/or mental health are not in a safe balance with one another! Make sure you handle your stress in healthy ways—because you deserve to be happy. After all, it is the most wonderful time of the year (I mean Christmas, not finals obviously)!
Don’t be a cotton-headed ninny muggins—stick to the four main food groups: studying, eating, sleeping and succeeding!
Your fellow struggling college student,