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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Name: Logan Miller

Year: Freshman

Major: Athletic Training

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Activites: Baseball and Soccer

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Movie: Summer Catch

Favorite Superhero: Wolverine

Favorite Food: Pork Chops

Dream Date: Baseball Game at Fenley Park

Celeb Crush: Melanie Iglesias

Turn-ons: Plays sports

Turn-offs: Doesnt like baseball

Pet peeve: Lying

Blonde or Brunette: Blonde

Country or City?: City

Best Pick-up line: I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours? 

Cat or Dog Person?: Dog person

Hidden Talent: I am a good dancer

Best Feature on a Girl: Eyes


Logan is sweet, fun and a cleat chaser dream. Watch out for him on campus and on the baseball field this semester, ladies!