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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.


Both Anna Kendrick has officially signed on to star Pitch Perfect 2, set to start filming sometime in May.

While excited, there’s no script yet, and she warns “if it becomes about parasailing instead of singing, don’t blame me!”

Her co-star, Rebel Wilson, has also been confirmed to reprise her role as Fat Amy, and Skyler Astin, who played Jesse, Kendrick’s love interest, has also been officially added to the cast.

More interestingly, Elizabeth Banks, who played Gail in the first film, is not only signed up to return, but to also direct the sequel. As the producer for the first film, she says she’s excited to step up to the new challenge. “I’m really excited to be taking it on. Obviously, we had no idea that the first film would catch on as much as it has . . . I hope to bring as much sort of joyfulness, fun and musicality in the second one, which will be out in 2015.”

As for the music, no one really knows. Kendrick says, “I’ve heard whispers of rumors, but I’m only speculating.”

Looks like Pitch Perfect fans will just have to wait and see.  So watch out, awesome nerds, because the Bella’s are making a comeback!

A Writing and Gender Studies Major, Alpha Gamma Delta sister, and 4Her. 
A public relations major with a passion for social media, the arts, and all things Disney, writer Corinne Weaver hopes to bring some Her Campus flare to WVWC. Weaver performs with the WVWC Theatre and Dance department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and interned at the National Aquarium in the Summer of '14! This Co-Editor-In-Chief will always love her close-knit hometown of Oakland, Maryland, but looks forward to opportunities to branch out in the future. Follow her @CorinneWeaver4 on Twitter and Instagram!