“Dear RLCG,
Summer is coming up fast and I have no plans. All of my friends have jobs lined up, or are planning on going on great trips. I have absolutely nothing to do this summer and I feel like I’m wasting it, I need ideas to have a good summer without doing anything extravagant.”
– Subpar Summer
Dear Subpar Summer,
I know what it’s like to be swept up in whirlwind of summer plans that don’t belong to you. You find yourself feeling boring, and honestly just a tad bit (or maybe a lot) envious of your friends. Just because you don’t have an exciting trip planned, or a big job lined up, doesn’t mean this summer can’t be great.
If a job is really what you’re vying for, there’s still time to line something up. It may not be your dream job, but money is money and you have your whole life to work. If a trip is what you’re craving, you can take a short trip that will be cost-effective, and fun. Take a daytrip to somewhere you’ve never been, go to a nearby amusement park, a beach if you’re lucky enough to live near one, or if you’re more restricted to a rural area, set a day out for nature.
The best thing about summer is free time, and the best way to spend free time is doing what you enjoy. Don’t let other people’s plans make you feel inferior; you are who you are and you like what you like. If you want to spend your summer days reading a book, spending time with family, or catching up on all the great Her Campus content you missed during your school days, then do it. Do your summer the way you want, and take it from subpar to spectacular! Enjoy your sunny days, and get some rest!
– RLCG Marissa