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Steph Clark ’14: “The Greatest of All Things”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

It is often times rare to be a student that everyone know on campus with a wonderful reputation and positive attitude. Steph Clark, is one of those student’s here at West Virginia Wesleyan College. You may know Steph having met during her years as an undergrad, always being the life of the party. You might just now be getting to know her because you always see her in the library, studying long hours for her Master’s Degree.

Steph’s major is Master of Science in Athletic Training. Steph is involved in is Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae, Kappa Alpha Order Rose Court, 4-H volunteer, and ATC for the Cross Country, Track, and Men’s Soccer teams. Steph is a people person. She can make friends with just about anyone and she is able to connect on many levels with people. She was involved in Zeta Tau Alpha sorority for a total of three years. She states, “My time at Wesleyan or my life would not be complete without my Zeta sisters”. Steph served as the Panhellenic Delegate on Executive Committee for Zeta, which made her extremely involved with Greek Life as a whole on campus at Wesleyan. Steph was genuine about recruitment; she knew the ups and downs of being in a sorority and was honest to the women going through recruitment. With Spring Recruitment coming up, Steph says to remember to step away from the crowd.

Steph Clark is on track to graduate from Wesleyan with her Master’s Degree this May. She states, “I have loved every second of my time at Wesleyan and I’m sad that it will soon be over. It has been awesome that I was able to return for my graduate studies. I’m hoping to make a great lasting impression on the people I work with every day and spend a lot of time with my friends.” Also, Steph, as well as the other Athletic Trainers, have been working to raise money and awareness for is a rare type of cancer called NET, which is neuroendocrine tumors. They are slow growing cancers that develop from cells in the diffuse endocrine system. The Athletic Trainers have been raising awareness and money to help a former Wesleyan Alumni. Steph hopes that when she leaves Wesleyan, people continue to help and become more aware of the rare disease. Steph states, “Athletic Training is my passion and sometimes I don’t understand how people can hate their future profession because I love mine so much.” She says that the majority of the Men’s Soccer team refers to her as their “soccer mom” just because she is always there for them. Of course, Athletic Training accumulates many hours, she had to give up fun events on campus but she says that she would not trade the trust she’s gained from her fellow ATC’s for anything. Steph is eager to see where she ends up working with this profession.

Steph advises everyone at West Virginia Wesleyan is to have fun, make sure your work is done and your grades are great. She says to go to a fraternity theme party, go on a Sheetz run at four in the morning, join a sorority, and play intramurals. Steph states “I had a great time as a student and could tell stories for days about the shenanigans I got into and I love that! My parents also loved that I graduated with a 3.6 GPA and have staff/faculty members who speak well of me. Find that balance and like I said, have fun.”

Campus Celebrity Columnist for WVWC
West Virginia Wesleyan College, English Writing and Communications major.