Intelligent. Driven. Passionate. Involved.
Junior, Louise Strandoo is doing big things on campus at Western. Alongside Vicki Hseuh, the Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Strandoo is in the process of starting a multi-pronged program called PROMPT. PROMPT will be a virtual space where a variety of mediums can collectively tackle feminist and gender-related issues.
Strandoo is majoring in communication studies and minoring in women, gender and sexuality studies (WGSS). Â PROMPT is an idea that she has been sitting on for a while, but what really jumpstarted the process was when she started running the Facebook page for the WGSS department.
“I wanted to be able to post our own material,” Strandoo says. “I want to make a diverse space where people from all kinds of backgrounds and interests can openly express themselves and be a part of a team that works to reclaim agency and develop critical skills.”
Her passion on the subject has existed for a long time, but it grew when she started college and found out about all the resources on campus. Strandoo finds inspiration in learning and all the classes that Western offers.
“I feel like when I first came to Western I was such a different person than I am now. Taking all the different classes that I have has really helped me develop a sense of passion and purpose,” Strandoo says. “I am inspired by my class readings, groups and theories.”
Strandoo is planning to graduate in the spring of 2016. However, her future plans don’t involve a set-in-place “dream job.” Strandoo simply wants to do something productive that she cares about and that will help other people along the way. She doesn’t want to close herself off to any opportunities by committing to a specific path.
“Having goals and being passionate is enough,” Strandoo says.Â
The main goals of PROMPT are focused on a few things. “The goal is to make a socially interactive blog where we can produce organic material and create a discourse on gender-related issues. We want PROMPT to have a diverse focus. Anyone is welcome,” Strandoo says. “There will be a variety of scholarly and creative outlets of expression. One of our goals is to make something that is effective, but something that is digestible and accessible to the community. We want those involved to be able to foster relationships within the community, as well as other educational institutions and foundations via online communication.”
Strandoo wants to get the word out about her project. When asked what she wants to share with students of Western about PROMPT, she responded, “It’s a great opportunity for personal growth and a way to become more connected to our community. I want students to know that we are looking for people to write poetry, articles, blogs, create videos or films and submit any artwork. This is a space for people to express themselves.”
If you are interested in getting involved in PROMPT, contact Strandoo or Hseuh for more information.
Louise StrandooE-mail: Louisestrandoo@gmail.comPhone: (206)-245-9739
Vicki Hseuh (Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)E-mail:
“There are so many creative and intelligent minds at Western. I am so excited to see what people bring to the table,” Strandoo says.