Who doesn’t love a good Disney song? It’s basically like childhood wrapped up in a bow, especially a Disney song that you can belt out like no one can hear you. Here is a list of fantastic Disney songs to sing in the shower or the car or any other place where you just need to sing at the top of your lungs.
- Zero to Hero
Hercules has some great music from “I Can Go the Distance” to “Can’t Say I’m in Love” but “Zero to Hero” is just such a funny, catchy number with great one-liners and an awesome beat. Plus the Muses are the best characters in the whole movie.
- I’ll Make a Man Out of You
Mulan is another Disney soundtrack with incredible music, not to mention fantastic characters and an all-around amazing plot. It is the whole package. I think what makes “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” stand out is just the somewhat ridiculousness of the song with the catchiest beat and the great part where Mulan and the other soldiers butt in and talk about how out of shape they all are.
- You’re Welcome
A new classic, “You’re Welcome” is extremely catchy and is sung by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, so what’s not to like about it? It’s a song that is extremely cocky to sing but The Rock has the right amount of confidence to pull it off and not seem like a cocky person singing it. The end of the song is my favorite part though.
- Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Lilo and Stich is an incredible movie and no one can tell me differently. The plot, the characters and most importantly the music! The soundtrack only contains 2 original songs but they are both fantastic. The best part is that its sung by actual Hawaiian singers. It’s also regarded the most beloved song from Lilo and Stitch.
- Belle
Okay, I’m biased, this is my favorite Disney song. Let me tell you it is eight minutes of the greatness of pretending to be in a small French town. I mean come on that’s amazing. It has everything you could ask for though, a dramatic ballad part sung by the princess, the introduction of a great villain, as well as a bunch of town folks just gossiping about someone behind their back.
- A Whole New World
A classic love song from Disney. There are many contenders from Aladdin but this is one of my favorites, Jasmine and Aladdin sailing around on a magic carpet in one night. Talk about a great first date. It also really shows how the characters got to know each other, as opposed to some other Disney prince and princesses. And the duet part of the song is just perfect to sing along to if you’ve got a friend to sing with or even if you’re by yourself and just constantly switching parts.
- Be Our Guest
A Beauty and Beast classic! This is one of the most extra musical numbers to come out of a Disney movie followed by “Prince Ali.” Everything about the song is amazing. The different parts of all the characters, the high notes, Cogsworth disapproving the whole song. A perfect musical number to burst into song.
- Circle of Life
I feel like it would be a true disservice if this song wasn’t included on this list. This is like the original song to belt out for Disney. Lion King is chalk full of incredible music but to me “Circle of Life” really just stands out as the best. From the opening notes to the end, it doesn’t lose any energy and sets up exactly what Lion King is about and stands for. And who doesn’t love to sing the Lion King while holding up a stuffed animal or pet above their head.
- Colors of the Wind
Pocahontas is such an underrated Disney movie and it hurts. While not historically accurate in any way, it shows the story of a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man. “Colors of the Wind” is a masterpiece because not only is it an incredible ballad but also the words tell a lot of Pocahontas’s character and how she will take no BS from anyone, no matter who it is.
- A Girl Worth Fighting For
This song, oh my god. This has the most savage transition from song to sadness in any Disney film. This song is a treasure to sing though. While not entirely accurate as to what women would like men to think is a girl worth fighting for. It’s a great song that pokes fun at most of the men in the army and is lighthearted and fun.
- Friend Like Me
Ah, Robin Williams’s Genie. Arguably one of the best Disney characters in existence. A beautiful mixture of sass, humor, caring and compassion. He has some of the best songs in the movie and this is no exception. This song is just fun. There is no other way to describe it. It will never fail when you want something fun to sing or listen too.
- Part of Your World
Little Mermaid has an amazing soundtrack and it would be a mistake to leave it off this list. I chose “Part of Your World” because it’s just a classic ballad. Originally they were going to cut this song and had to fight for it to be included in the movie. Can you imagine Little Mermaid without this classic I can’t.
Go out and enjoy these Disney classics and others that I may have missed!