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17 Signs You Have Absolutely No Chill in Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.



Some people are totally laid-back and go with the flow.  They can send one text and patiently wait for a repy and even go a whole day without spilling something down their shirt.  Then there are us who are as chill as a hot day on the beach.  If you literally can’t even, you’ll probably relate to these 17 signs you have no chill:

1. You are always being told to ‘chill’, and you most certainly always reply with, “I am chill!”

2. You are always the first person to show up everywhere: class, a party, or even church.


4. There is no such thing as calmly texting exciting things, even if the exciting thing is that you saw a dog, so of course you either use all caps or you just call and scream excitedly into the phone.


5. Waiting to reply to text messages, phone calls, or e-mail is the worst feeling on earth, so you just avoid IT all together and reply ASAP.

6. When someone asks you a question, one that would take at maximum a few words to answer, you all of a sudden have given them your entire life story and your full opinion on the subject.

7. “What’s a filter? Where can I get one of those?” These are questions you ask yourself after fully embarrassing yourself by word vomiting all over a stranger.

8. You cannot make it through a day without knocking over something or spilling something on yourself.

9. When you’re talking, it’s like you can’t control your arms or hands. And heaven forbid you’re talking about something exciting, then it’s every person for themselves.

10. Overreaction is a normal state of being for you.

11. You especially have no chill when it comes to shopping, especially when there’s a BOGO sale going on at your favorite store.


12. Games of any kind is like a light switch on your chill factor. You can go from 0 – 100 really quick on competitiveness.

13. Being competitive definitely means that you don’t understand the concept of losing anything or the concept of coming in second place.

14. If you happen to get sick, you just assume it’s life threatening and convince yourself that you’re dying.

15. You can’t accept a simple compliment without explaining your entire reasoning on why you put your hair in a ponytail.

16. Lying is a talent that you will never be able to master.

17. If your favorite song comes on in the car, well let’s just hope you aren’t the one driving.


It may seem like a curse some days that you have absolutely no chill, but it’s something to be embraced! You just simply have a lot of excitement to share with the world! 

Mary Soukup is a Sophomore Engineering Physics Major at Xavier University from Aurora, Indiana. When she is not writing articles for Her Campus, she can be found studying or working at the Cincincinnati Zoo.