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5 Hannah Montana Songs to Keep You Motivated to Do Homework

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

She was Miley Stewart by day and Hannah Montana by night, and she always knew the right song to sing at the right time. Who knew that some of her music would be helpful in motivating college students to finish their homework? Some of her best motivational songs are old, and some are new, but they can be the key to getting you through every student’s enemy: homework.

1. Remember, “Life’s What You Make It.”

Throughout the song, Hannah states “life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock.” This is exactly how a student should feel when doing their homework! Homework may be the worst thing in the world, but it is something every student has to deal with. We can’t escape it, so why not make it rock? Put your own spin on your homework to make as enjoyable as you possibly can, because remember, “Life’s what you make it so lets make it rock!”

2. Even when your homework motivation is hitting rock bottom and you feel more down than ever, remember that you are a “Rock Star.”

Homework is going to be difficult. There will be hard days, and on those days you may feel like you cannot and will not finish everything that’s piling up on your to-do list. Just as Hannah Montana said, you are a “rock star,” so shine bright and finish that homework.

3. You’re “Gonna Get This.”

This song, an older and less known Hannah Montana song, just in its title is a big motivator. Whatever your professor assigned you is not impossible. You will finish this homework! You got this!

4. Homework may cause lots of stress in your life. It may make you question if what you are doing is the right path in life, but remind yourself that you are “One in a Million.”

Hannah said it perfectly. You are “one in a million”! You are unique and the only you in the entire universe. You are you for a reason, and this homework (and subsequently your college education as a whole) is going to allow you to continue to be “one in a million.”

5. “Nobody’s Perfect”

There’s no working around it: professors can give some really difficult homework. It will be challenging and it will work your brain. You won’t get everything right, but that’s okay. Don’t be too hard on yourself and give up with the going gets tough. Sure, “Nobody’s Perfect,” but you got this!

Staying motivated to do your homework can be super difficult, but know that there are so many ways to be motivated. It can honestly come from the most unusual places, including throwback Hannah Montana songs. So put these on your study playlist and get going! 

Katie Pfeifer is a sophomore Psychology major and Gender and Diversity Studies minor. She is from Springboro, Ohio, which is about 20 minutes south of Dayton. She love to shop, dance, hang out with her friends, and listen to music. She is obsessed with animals, watching youtube videos, and traveling! She has written for Her Campus Xavier and in the past, she worked on the marketing team! She always has a smile on her face, and she loves to make people happy! :)
Brittany is a senior accounting major from Saint Louis, Missouri and is a Campus Correspondent for Xavier University. When not organizing Her Campus Xavier, she can be found working with Tedx Xavier University or Xavier Women in Business. She  wishes she could spend all of her free time with puppies.