“Why are girls so confusing?”
Almost every girl has heard this question in some form or another, and we usually just have to roll our eyes and ignore it. Collegiettes, we decided to dig a little deeper into this age old question. We reached out to our guy panel and learned the top answers to why boys can think girls are terribly confusing.
“Girls send mixed signals.”
Almost every guy we spoke to felt as if girls showed mixed signals. These men believe girls display signals that they are attracted to them. But, the next minute, they lose interest. In one guy’s words: “They never say how they actually feel; they try to get it out of the boy first.”
“Girls have certain standards or expectations.”Â
Some boys even feel like society pressures girls into believing that a guy needs to meet a certain standard, and, when that standard is not met, girls will not acknowledge the guy even though she clearly likes them. Or, if the girl has friends that do not approve of him, the girl will choose to listen to her friends instead of following her feelings. In his words: “I strongly believe girls are confusing because they may like you, but because of the way things work in society these days, it’s hard for her to show what she truly feels.”
“Girls play games.”Â
Other boys feel as if women just play games, therefore, the boy is confused and does not know what the girl really wants. No one wants their feelings to be played with, so we can definitely see how being put in that situation would be frustrating. We don’t like it when guys play games either!Â
“Girls can be too emotional.”Â
Many guys feel as if girls are too emotional. One minute women are sad sad, and the next minute they’re happy… guys can’t figure out why this happens. Therefore, guys feel as if it’s hard to keep up with this rapid change of emotion. One guy commented, “You just really never know and can never tell how they are actually feeling and why.”
With all the disheartening confusion out there, we want to leave you with a quote from an XU college guy who doesn’t think girls are confusing:
“I don’t find girls to be confusing. They’re pretty much just like guys when it comes down to it — as all humans share inherent similarities such as insecurities, worries, as well as hope for true friendship. In moments where I have scratched my head at a girl’s actions, I often deliberate on what I did in order to make her feel that way, and it becomes clear in the end that she was acting pretty rationally.  If you think girls are confusing, you’re not doing enough to further your understanding of them!  Everyone’s gotta let go of that inner fifth grade mentality that girls are from another planet. That’s just straight child’s play.”
We couldn’t agree more!