This week we caught up with Laura Birckhead to find out more about Xavier’s improv comedy show Don’t Tell Anna! You can catch Laura onstage this Friday, Dec. 12 at 9:00 pm in Kennedy Auditorium. Keep reading to learn more about Laura and Don’t Tell Anna!Â
Campus Celeb: Laura Birckhead
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Major/ Minor: Communication Studies with minors in Electronic Media and Theatre
Activities: Leadership Development Intern, Manresa, Don’t Tell Anna, Board of Elections, Arrupe Leaders
Other Hobbies: Graphic Design, Photography, Tweeting, Yoga
Tell us about Don’t Tell Anna! What should newcomers expect?
Don’t Tell Anna is Xavier’s improvisational comedy troupe. We have been on Xavier’s campus for about 15 years now! There are eight members and we perform shows once or twice a month. If you have never been to DTA before, you should come! We perform long-form and short-form improv, which in simpler terms is scenes and games. We love to have fun and make our audience laugh, and you never truly know what to expect when coming to one of our shows.
How did you get involved with improv?
I did theater all throughout high school, but to be honest I was terrified of improv and I avoided it at all costs. My brother was involved in improv in high school and when he came to Xavier he joined DTA. When he graduated from X I was a sophomore and he kept pushing me to audition, he always said that I would be good at it. He really believed in me. So I auditioned and I have been hooked ever since. So truly all the credit goes to my brother.
Do you have any advice for people who are just starting out or who want to get involved?
Well on Xavier’s campus alone there are tons of improv opportunities. The Theater department offers Improv classes that are open to all levels of experience. There is also Xavier Player’s production of Toolbox, which is a production of original sketch comedy and improvisation. And of course, there’s always DTA auditions every fall. But in general with improv it’s important to just keep practicing. Expose yourself and educate yourself on anything and everything improv. There is a great book called Truth in Comedy which lays out the basic rules of improv.
What is the hardest part of doing a show like Don’t Tell Anna?
Finding the right balance of balance of wanting to make people laugh, not overpowering the scene, continuing to progress the scene, and supporting your team members all at the same time.
Have you learned anything valuable from the experience?
Yes! I have learned how to quickly think on your feet and adapt to any situation that may arise. I have gotten really good at “going with the flow”. I have also learned the importance of working with a team, and supporting your teammates no matter what happens.
What’s been your most embarrassing/ awkward moment while doing improv?
When people don’t laugh at a joke…that definitely can be awkward. But I have tripped while getting on the stage a couple of times, and that was kind of embarrassing.
Favorite movie: Bridesmaids
Favorite Christmas song: Believe by Josh Groban makes me cry every time.
Favorite spot in Cincinnati: Skyline Chili.
What’s your Spirit animal? I think a sloth…that sounds bad. But they like to sleep and so do I?
Fun fact: My mom is a painter and my dad is in a blues band. We make for a pretty creative family!
Anything else you want us to know about you? I am applying to graduate school to pursue a Masters Degree in Student Affairs. Or…follow me on twitter @laurabirckhead