Makeba Mortoe is from Cincinnati, Ohio. With her bright and outgoing personality, she welcomes us each afternoon when we decide to head to the cafeteria. Whenever she’s told, “Have a good day” her response is always, “Have a better one!” Makeba is the one with the super cute earrings everyday, which she finds at the store Rainbow.  Â
She works in the Hoff Dining Commons and is an inspiration to all of us. Makeba’s main job is working as a cashier; she’s usually there during lunch. In January, it will the start of her 8th year working in the Hoff Dining Commons. Before coming to Xavier, Makeba worked at a hospital helping terminally ill kids. She decided she needed a switch for a year. Now 7 and ½ years later, she’s still here, and we still love her!Â
Makeba is a people person. She loves being here for the students. Whenever need someone to talk to, she’ll be there for us.  Makeba enjoys giving advice, so if you need anything, just ask her, she’ll be happy to help. Something that she believes everyone needs to know: “Stay positive! If you apply yourself and really listen to your professors, you’ll make it.”  Â
After getting to know her, her favorite quote, “Live life to the fullest,” is definitely the best description of how Makeba tries to lead her life.
Makeba loves the color blue… any shade of blue. The color reminds her of the sky, and the sky is always bright. Her favorite meal at the caf is tofu and steamed kale greens. (Sounds good to us too!) She truly believes everyone should read the Bible; it’s a good Book and one of her favorites. We believe it adds to her positive outlook on life! Makeba loves music; her favorite artist is Jah Cure, because she loves his voice and his music is very inspirational.Â
Some fun facts about Makeba: her birthday is Monday, September 28th! We’re happy that she got the day off of work for her birthday, but make sure you wish her a happy birthday next time you see her. She loves to shop and the employees at Rainbow know her very well. Makeba loves the outdoors and animals and even has two pet turtles of her own! Her spirit animal would be a lioness. They are very strong and will do anything to protect the ones they care about. Makeba is also artsy. If she was given anything, even a brick, she’d draw on it, make it pretty, then display it somewhere.
Makeba Mortoe is very proud and excited to have been asked to be honored as a Campus Celeb on Her Campus Xavier. She believes that one of the sweetest things someone can do for another person is to ask someone for an interview. She really loves being here at Xavier. It is clear that she truly loves and cares for the students here. Â
In the words of Makeba, “Have a better one!”Â