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Campus Profile: Kate Frank

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Campus Profile: Kate Frank 

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio    

Major: Double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice 

Year: Sophomore, 2018 graduate 

What would you say is something that a lot of people don’t know about you? 

One thing that not a lot of people know about me is that I am from a large family. I have four brothers and sisters and two sets of parents (mom and stepdad, dad and stepmom). 

What is your favorite thing about Xavier?  

I think my favorite thing about Xavier is that, while it is a small school, there is something here for everyone. There are so many different opportunities for clubs and social groups here at Xavier that it was easy to find my place here. I also love that Xavier is in Cincinnati because there is so much to do here on the weekends!   

What are you involved in on campus and what hobbies do you have? 

I am an R.A. in Brockman. I also participate in Psychology Club, Criminal Justice Society, Alternative Breaks and Book Club.  

What is your favorite activity you are involved in and why? 

I think my favorite activity that I participate in here at Xavier is being an R.A. I have gotten to connect with so many amazing people because of it, both residents and other R.A.’s. It also really allows me to be creative and do fun things with my residents! 

Why did you decide to become an R.A?

I decided to become an R.A. because I had always heard great things about the position especially here at Xavier. Throughout the course of my freshman year here, I became close with my R.A., the Hall Director from Husman, and Zach here in Brockman, and making those connections really influenced my decision as well. I am also a very social person and like to take care of people, so I really felt like being an R.A. would be a good choice for me. I have loved every second of it! 


Sara is a Sophomore Public Relations major with a double minor in Political Communications and Business at Xavier University. She is also involved with an acapella group, Acabellas, and the Center for Faith and Justice on campus. She loves all dogs, dark chocolate, and inspirational quotes. 
Danielle Curtis is a Junior at Xavier University and is HCXU's Campus Correspondent. She is majoring in English with minors in media studies and writing. She loves traveling, reading, and watching videos of failed marriage proposals.