The global scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as surgical masks, hospital gowns, and gloves has made it even more difficult for healthcare workers to adequately protect themselves and fight COVID-19. In response, thousands of Americans have participated in crowdsourcing efforts to donate masks to healthcare facilities. Salons, contractors, universities, and other organizations that have had to cease operations are donating unused masks to address the crisis.
Many people have also used their spare time at home to sew homemade masks as a last resort for nurses and doctors who desperately need them. Simple sewing instructions can be found online, and can be donated to organizations through The Sewing and Craft Alliance. These masks are a very sustainable option for limiting the spread of COVID-19 because they can be made of fabric scraps. Even milliners, with a lack of customer demand for horse race-ready attire, have started to use their sewing skills to make masks.
Homemade fabric masks are easy to make, and they should be used primarily by civilians who wish to protect themselves or others from getting sick. Healthcare professionals on the frontlines of this pandemic need reserves of medical-grade masks. Instead of purchasing masks for yourself or your family, consider making your own so that those valuable resources can go to those who need them most!