Everyone knows being a college student means having no money, but it doesn’t have to mean your room can’t look cute during the holiday season! Here are some cheap, easy DIY projects for any dorm room needing a bit of holiday spirit!
1. Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
These are perfect to hang from underneath a lofted bed, in your window, or around your room.
2. Cardboard Fireplace
Move-in day certainly leaves too many empty cardboard boxes cluttering up your room… Here’s a cute and genius way to convert them into something that’ll be sure to make your dorm feel cozy!
3. Sock Wreath
This wreath is great for door decorating or hanging above your new cardboard fireplace! It’s simple, easy, and makes any dorm look ready for Christmas.
4. Paint Chip Garland
The best thing about this DIY is that the paint chips are completely free! And, if you need string, old shoelaces work just as well!
5. Light Strand Christmas Tree
All you need to do for this DIY is pin up a strand of Christmas lights in a tree shape, hang up some cute ornaments, and you’re done! For extra festivity, cut out a star for the top of your luminescent tree.