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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

In high school, getting sick might have given you some anxiety, especially when it came to missing classes. But while in college, getting sick might seem like the world is ending. College means that you have a lot of stress to deal with on a day-to-day basis, and with all of that stress, your immune system can really take a hit trying to keep up with you. Getting sick is a miserable experience, so here are some tips to help you tackle your illness and start feeling better!

1) Don’t go to class! It sounds like a horrible idea, but the last thing that your professor and your peers want is for you to get everyone else sick. E-mail your professor and ask if you can make up what you missed as well as if you can meet with them to go over the material that you missed.

2) Sleep!! Get some good R&R, because your body needs time to recuperate and heal. Not giving yourself adequate time to relax and rest will make it difficult to get better faster.


3) See a doctor! Whether you go to your family doctor or to the on-campus clinic, they will know what’s the best thing for you is to help you get back to your regular self.

4) Drink lots of fluids like water and Gatorade. These which will keep you hydrated and that in turn, helps your body heal.


5) Remember to eat something, even if you don’t have a big appetite. Your body needs all the nutrients that it can get, so if you don’t have a big appetite, try eating some saltine crackers or some your favorite soup. If you keep it bland, the better chance you have of keeping it down.

6) Even though you may think that you’re already sick, still wash your hands often because it helps prevent more germs from getting to you and it also helps it prevents your roommates from getting sick right after you.

7) If you are prescribed medicine, finished out the entire course of medicine, even when you start to feel better. Not finishing your medicine completely could cause whatever you had to come back, and possibly be resistant to the medicine you’re taking.

Catch some z’s and drink up on that OJ.  We hope you feel better soon collegiettes!

Mary Soukup is a Sophomore Engineering Physics Major at Xavier University from Aurora, Indiana. When she is not writing articles for Her Campus, she can be found studying or working at the Cincincinnati Zoo.