Thanks for freaking out with me about leaving for college.
When I didn’t know what to pack, what comforter to buy for my dorm, or how I would survive without my dog, you were right there by my side. There is no way I would have survived college shopping or picking a roommate from Facebook without your advice, and there’s no way I would have made it through the car ride up to college with my mom without you being just a Snapchat away.
Thanks for helping with my homesickness.
In the first few months of college, I was incredibly homesick. I missed my family, my hometown, and y’all. Thanks for not letting me miss you too much though (because we talked and FaceTimed so much that it was like a little part of you was here with me).
Thanks for reminiscing about the high school days with me.
I was the only one from my high school to come to my university. Most of my roommate’s high school friends went to our school, and I always felt sad and homesick when they would all sit in our room and talk about their memories from the last four years. Thanks for sitting on the phone with me for hours, filling me in on gossip about people we graduated with, talking about random people from our class that we missed, and reminiscing about the good ole days when we got to school early to sit in front of our lockers, talk, and scramble to do some last minute homework until the bell rang.
Thanks for letting me cry on the phone to you for hours when everything seemed to be going wrong.
When my world seemed to be falling apart, and I felt like I wasn’t close enough to anyone at college to confide in yet, thanks for listening to me complain and cry about anything and everything. Without you always being there to listen, I probably would have lost my mind.
Thanks for being honest with me.
When you’re still getting to know people in college, its hard to get an honest opinion on things because everyone just wants to be nice to everyone. But thanks for always telling it like it is. If I send you a picture of an outfit, you will honestly tell me if it looks bad, and if I’m being ridiculous you will call me out. Thanks for always being real with me when I need it.
Thanks for still going out of your way to make me smile.
Whether it’s a simple text asking me how I’m doing, or a funny Snapchat, thanks for always going out of your way to put a smile on my face. Please, never stop texting me screenshots of pictures of the boy I had a crush on in high school that his mom puts on Facebook, or funny pickup lines that you got on Tinder.
Thanks for still keeping me updated about every detail in your life.
Just because we live a few states away now doesn’t mean I care any less about the boy you think is cute or the drama in your life. Thanks for calling me almost every night during rush and giving me a full rundown of every sorority, and even telling me which one you think I would be in if we went to the same school. Thanks for letting me talk to your new friends on the
phone, and filling me in on everything going on in your life. Thanks for still confiding in me, because it means the world to me.
And thanks for listening to every little detail of my life.
You have learned the names of most of my friends, even though you have never met them, and listen to my dumb stories even when you have no idea what or whom I’m talking about. Thanks for letting me rant and share all of my stories with you.
Thanks for making me look forward to coming home.
While I’m always very excited to see my family, play with my dog, and sleep in my own bed, one of my favorite things about coming home is seeing y’all. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning on my drives home when I’m thinking about giving each of you a big hug. FaceTime just isn’t the same as being with y’all in person.
Thanks for our Snapchat streaks.
Seeing embarrassing pictures of your face always brighten my day, and sending random pictures of your meals, friends, and campus give me little glimpses into your daily life. Getting a Snapchat notification from one of y’all always makes me smile.
Thanks for still being my best friends.
While I have made some amazing new friends in college, whenever someone asks who my best friends are, y’all always come to mind. Before leaving for college, I was always told that I would grow apart from a lot of my high school friends. Thanks for not letting that happen. Thanks for ALWAYS being there. I can’t wait for us to be bridesmaids at each other’s weddings and Godparents of each other’s children one day. Carrie Bradshaw once said, “Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys are just people to have fun with.” Thanks for being my soul mates.