You know you’re a Xavier nursing student when…
1. The most comfortable outfit you own is your Navy Xavier Scrubs
2. The weird looks you get when you wear your scrubs to the caf don’t bother you anymore
3. You know the serious struggle of waking up for your 7 am clinical
4. You are a proud survivor of second semester sophomore year, taking microbiology and pathophysiology
5. You seriously have a personal record of how long it takes you to walk from your dorm to Cohen
6. Talking about bodily functions over meals doesn’t bother you at all
7. All of your family and friends expect you to diagnose them and answer every medical question
8. You have complimented people on their awesome veins before
9. You don’t even want to think about taking the NCLEX, because it’s only the biggest test of your life
10. Even though nursing is an insane emotional roller coaster, where sleeping is optional and studying is not, you wouldn’t want to be in any other profession