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Keilor Gilbert ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.


I sat down with our campus cutie, a JE junior on the water polo team, for what seemed like the longest interview session as friends kept coming up to him to say “hi” and give him hugs. With his amazing smile and extreme loyalty for his friends, it’s no mystery why everyone swoons over him. I left brunch with a huge smile and could not be more excited to announce this week’s campus cutie: Keilor Gilbert.

Year: 2014

Hometown: Solsberry, Indiana

Major: Math

College: Jonathan Edwards


My favorite dance party song is: Video phone by Beyoncé

My favorite food is: Peanut butter

My favorite party theme is: 90’s parties

My favorite place at Yale is: Cross campus

My spirit animal is: Probably a honey badger because they’re really tenacious


What activities are you involved with at Yale?

I am on the water polo team. I also am involved in The Future Project, a community organization where we help local high school students identify their passions and design community projects that are focused around their interests.

How is playing on the Yale water polo team?

It’s awesome and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The guys are the best – they are all different and you always learn about every aspect of campus because everyone is involved in different things. Plus, I just love playing water polo.

When did you start playing water polo?

I was on the varsity swim team for a little freshman year and I decided it wasn’t for me. At the end of freshman year, I met the captain of water polo at an IM swim meet and he told me I should try it and that I would love the team.

Where are we most likely to find you on a Saturday night?

I don’t want to say Toads, but it is kind of inevitable. Probably just hanging out with friends in a suite and playing video games.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself either at an investment bank or teaching high school math. Teaching high school students in California would be ideal.

How is New Haven different from Indiana?

Wow, I can’t even compare. Well, there are more than four buildings. New Haven is this huge city, and everyone is doing a million things at once. Where I’m from, there are 1,200 people in our hometown. Our downtown just consists of in the post office, a convenience store, a fire station and a chain saw repair shop – that’s it.

What is a cool / fun fact about yourself that people wouldn’t know?

This is pretty nerdy, but in 8th grade, I got 12th in a national scrabble competition.

Yale girls are the best because:

I don’t think I have ever had a conversation with a Yale girl and haven’t learned something new. Also, for my experience, Yale girls are really confident, so it makes it so easy to talk to them!