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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

Dear Scorpio,

Scorpio season ends this week, so hopefully you will be able to go back to being a sign who just slips into the background and goes by unnoticed. It will not be too rocky of a transition for you, however, because Mars will be entering Scorpio this week, making your communication skills pretty strong. Sometimes you can be really mean because you do not think about those around you. Try to be kind. Chanel Luke Danes in the later years instead of Luke Danes pre-Lorelai.


Dear Sagittarius, This is going to be your week to shine! The last few weeks have been somewhat rocky for you and your free-spirited nature has been relatively confined recently. This week however, the sun will enter into Sagittarius, giving you power. This week will be one for fun and freedom. Your love life is about to pick up so make sure to keep your eye out for any cuties coming your way.


Dear Capricorn, 

Sometimes your weirdness is not seen by other people. You can come off incredibly tightly wound and not fun, and mars entering into Scorpio will only heighten the mysterious aura you sometimes project. This week it would be smart if you tried to be goofier and more vulnerable, so you will appear less intimidating.


Dear Aquarius,

This week is going to be a challenging one for you. With Scorpio losing power, you may feel as if you are also losing power. You are a stable sign who likes having a routine, which is right up Scorpio’s alley. Sagittarius is a little too spontaneous for you, so this week it will be extra important for you to try and keep your calm.


Dear Pisces,

You have the ability to be intensely kind, and you also have the ability to be a complete snake. This week you will have the choice to either be pulled towards the kind-hearted Leo’s and the Libra’s as they will have power in the moon, or you may veer towards the cold-hearted Scorpio. It would be great for you if you make an effort to follow your more sympathetic nature.


Dear Aries,

Sometimes you can be so dense and dumb. You are a sign who is incredibly stubborn, and in being so stubborn you sometimes do not see what is immediately in front of you. You keep chasing a fantasy that will never come true, but if you just paused and looked around you and appreciated what and who is right in front of you, you could be so happy. Listen to Libra’s intuition this week and do what is right for you.


Dear Taurus,

Scorpio season’s end is great for you. You are a sign who easily adapts to those around you and I bet you have been feeling pretty off-kilter this past month because you have been acting more towards to Scorpio tendencies. Let yourself take a deep breath this week and start to be freer like a Sagittarius.


Dear Gemini,

Your sign is honestly probably the most hated. Let’s face it, you’re stereotypically incredibly two-faced. You act super kind and then turn around and stab people in the back. Do not do that. Stop your natural snake-like tendencies and try and channel the fake appearance you give off.


Dear Cancer,

It is your turn, Cancer. Everything’s about to turn around for you. Scorpio losing power is a blessing for you as you need emotions to be delivered to you in up front and direct ways. Your love life is about to bloom. Get ready and get excited!


Dear Leo,

Your life is finally about to get happier. You have been pretty down lately, but Scorpio losing power means that you are about to gain some. You are a pretty free sign by nature, and you are about to feel a lot more calm this upcoming month. Use your creativity this week to let go of any negative feelings you have had.


Dear Virgo,

Most Virgo’s are the best people out there. On “This is Us,” Jack Pierson, Randall, Kevin, and Kate are all Virgos. Virgos are signs who have their life together. You can trust them to be organized. This week with Mars entering Scorpio, Virgo will be the sign to combat any pesky mysterious vibes in the atmosphere. Be bold Virgo. 


Dear Libra,

When you are a pushover, you usually just end up hurting everyone around you. You occasionally do not think about those around you in a big picture way, but you think about small details and will go out of your way to protect one specific person, and in doing this you end up just hurting a lot of other people. This week with the moon entering Libra, you will have some extra power. Be conscious this week and do what is right for the majority.


Maisie Molot is an aspiring photographer. She loves to convey a story through an image, and also loves to write.
Clara is a Junior at Yale University majoring in history. She is from Washington D.C. In her free time, Clara does creative writing. She is also a lover of world, particularly African, literature and art projects (we're talking glue, glitter and whatever other materials are around).