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Will Hall ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.


Year: 2015

College: Morse

Major: Philosophy

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

When Will sat down at my table in Blue State, he was immediately nervous about conducting the interview in such a public place (funny considering that the interview was for a public website), and proceeded to suggest Morse College as an alternate location. Shortly after, he changed his mind and let loose about his Valentine’s Day plans and fraternity brothers. He even offered to buy me a drink! Read our interview to find out more about our new campus cutie: Will Hall.

Activities on campus: I’m in SAE and play rugby. I like the diversity of opinion in SAE. We’re a good group of guys who Love each other (yes, he tells me, that’s “love” with a capital “L”). I’m the brother coordinator, meaning I get brothers to come together to do activities in a positive way. For example, tomorrow were gonna go sledding. I look forward to going [with the brothers] to Red Sox games and of course minor league hockey games at the Connecticut Whale.

Why rugby? I joined SAE first then realized there was a pretty serious void in my life in terms of athletics, and of course getting beat up, so I opted for rugby. We [the team] travel, and we’re quite close. I can’t think of a group that’s closer.  We’re closer than the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

Valentine’s Day plans? I’ll probably sit in my room and eat chocolate (Will is a self-professed chocoholic). I have a lot of House of Cards left to watch on Netflix. (After some prodding) I may reveal myself [to my crush], who knows.

Describe your ideal girl: She’d be open minded, nurturing, British—it’s not because of the accent; its something else. I can’t think of a good reason.

What is your dating deal-breaker? A deal breaker for me is rude people.

What was your first kiss like? Salt lake city 2007, I wont go into any further detail.

Celebrity crush? I don’t think celebrities make good crushes. Because it’s kind of a fantasy; I’m looking for a real connection.

Favorite scent: I’m from the south and we had a lot of magnolia trees around, so a magnolia-based perfume—something that’s very rare but piquant.

Personal style? A lot of guys like the idea of a preppy style, but most of my guy friends transcend that. Everyone has something different to bring to the table. I like hats and scarves.

Part of my role as a brother is performing “assessments of flow”, assessing the state of one’s hair. Regarding majors developments of flow, I keep tabs on Sig Ep Fraternity across the aisle, which is also very bold in terms of the flow. My ideal job would be of an ambassadorial nature—some kind of ambassador, but for hair.

What exactly is “flow”? Having flow is a way of having your hair. I would say it’s a lifestyle. People with flow also have a thirst for knowledge and a love of truth.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? Doing something fulfilling, like working in Congress, overseeing the flow commission.

Yale girls are best because… They know what they want.Â