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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.


Last break when I went home I encountered one of the worst headaches of my life, and it was because of my younger cousin who is 13 years old. Bear with me, I swear this is relevant.

So I was watching this video about teens guessing 90s tv shows from the React channel on youtube and during this video, the link will be down below, my cousin Lulu decides this is the time to express her sadness. She said, “I was born in the wrong decade, I was meant to live in the 90s.” Yes that is really what she said. Let me tell you that is when I felt so old even though I know I’m not.

So here are some 90s things that I’ve seen around recently.



I never understood why this was a thing but apparently it’s coming back, and guess who’s really into them? Middle school children and adults who were actually alive in the 90s. I would know because I see them everywhere, in all colors, even the rainbow ones!


Retro Gaming!

The beloved Nintendo NES, my first gaming system. It’s been years since I’ve seen you and apparently people love you so much and you’re very sought after these days. Retro gaming is really coming back, more popular systems include the Nintendo 64 and old Gameboys. Let me tell you, that makes me feel better because now I don’t feel like such a weirdo when I have my Gameboy SP out in public.


This, whatever this is, the universally known piece of art is coming back. I don’t know if you guys see them around or not but when the person next to me isn’t paying attention they doodle this.


Nerf Guns. They rock. They are very gendered but whatever, limit your sales instead of being gender inclusive for all I care. Anyway, I know these things have been around for a while and they haven’t gotten really out of style but my roommate recently got one and my girlfriend found it and decided to ambush me while doing dishes. So I think the 90s kid in her never really went away.


Tamagotchis. Come on, who seriously hasn’t had one of these? I knew this one kid who had like 5 of them attached to his backpack. That kid was also weird. The reason I’m mentioning this is because I see kids playing with the pets but not in its original form, I see them playing with the Tamagotchi app! Yes, there is an app where you can relive your childhood for 99 cents.


90s things are either the best things in life, or the most embarrassing things in life. Regardless of how we feel about them, 90s things just keep coming back at the strangest times.

Stay Classy. Or not. Your choice.


Link to DO TEENS KNOW 90s TV SHOWS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0479mpBiAA

Damaris here! I'm an English major with a Psychology minor