If you haven’t been watching the news lately, first of all: good idea. Second of all, what you need to know is that Donald “Not My President” Trump nominated billionaire and conservative Betsy DeVos for the position of Secretary of Education. Recently, she has been officially elected by the Senate. There are so many things wrong with this decision but here are some quick and dirty facts: Betsy DeVos’ family has, over the years, donated millions of dollars to the Republican party (which is probably part of how she got nominated), she has has no idea what the difference between growth and proficiency is, neither her nor her children has ever had to get a loan from the government for education and she has no idea how the federal loan system works, and she implied she’d be fine with allowing states to decide whether guns should be allowed in schools. I can’t make this stuff up. That’s not the worst of it either. Wanna check out America’s new Secretary of Education? Take a look. Here’s her full hearing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRBNkMM0-pM (It’s long, but it’s worth it.)
A moment of silence for the country formerly known as the United States. Land of the privileged, home of the dumb.