Be a tourist in your own town
You’d be surprised how much there is to do in your hometown, cafes, historic sites and new restaurants can all be places to spend the day, and it’s a nice break from sitting around at home. Even if you’re like me and have lived in the same place for your entire life, there are still plenty of places to discover. Even spending the day in a coffee shop reading, blogging or even doing homework is relaxing and a perfect way to spend the afternoon.
Visit a nearby attraction
If you live near a big (or small) city getting away for the day is a cheap and easy way to spend the day away. Even if going to a city is too far there are plenty of lesser known attractions nearby to check out and you can even meet up with other friends. You can find museums or aquariums to visit (most of which have discounts for college students and cheaper rates on weekdays). Even traveling a little further away to a large city is exciting and gives you the chance to explore it on your own schedule.
Be helpful around the house
Yes I’m totally serious. Tidying up the living room, going grocery shopping or making dinner will definitely impress your parents and they’ll appreciate the effort. Also, these are things you’ll have to do when you have your own place so you might as well practice now.
Learn a new skill
Now I’m not saying you should master carpentry in less than a week but just going on Pinterest a teaching yourself how to braid your hair a certain way or make a mug cake (which I highly recommend) is fun and can also benefit you in the long run. Give something new a try and who knows you may have a new hobby you love!
Catch up with old friends (or make new ones!)
Spending time with family is one of the most important things to do over break, but sometimes things can get a little crazy in the house and you want a break. Hanging out with friends is the best way to take a break and maybe find some things out about your friends that you wouldn’t have previously known. Even if you haven’t spoken to someone since graduation asking to meet with them for coffee or at the mall can be lots of fun and you may make a new friend! College changes people, and you would be surprised how much people mature and their interests have changed.
Treat yourself
You may be totally broke from everything that college requires you to pay for (food, housing, sorority dues, gas, the list goes on) but splurging on something for yourself can definitely pay off. It can be as small as getting a fancy drink at Starbucks or buying yourself a super cute new job interview outfit. Remember break is all about taking time out for yourself and the best way to do that is to treat yo self!