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Why You Should Have a CrockPot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.


Hello lovelies,

Welcome back to a marvelous new semester, the final one for some of us here at York.


This week I wanted to talk about something that revolves around a recently discovered item: a crockpot.


Most of you know what a crockpot is, or what a slow cooker is, but before I got to college I had no clue what it was. I never had one growing up, and being a full time student with a job and extracurriculars means that making a home cooked meal after a long day is just a chore.


For a while I would just go get fast food, and I’m not saying this magic item will take you away from that, but it definitely is nice to come home to something you made.


The crockpot I have been using is very similar to the one pictured above, has been in the apartment for 3 weeks, and has already been used twice.


You will never not need a crockpot after using it once. You can use it to make soups, pot roast, chilli, dip, cook meat for an extended period of time, and it holds a good amount so there will plenty of leftovers.


The different temperature settings are nice for when you want to go out for a couple hours or set it when you leave early and come home late.


Most people think that the only solution to a long day is fast food and sometimes they’re not wrong, but crockpots are so much better than fast food because it’s homemade and ready to go when you’re ready to relax.



That’s it for this relatively relaxing welcome back week.

Stay classy. Or not. Your choice.

Damaris here! I'm an English major with a Psychology minor