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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Her Campus York U is proud to present Molly! Molly is an exchange student from London, England that I have had the great pleasure to meet. Keep reading to get to know Molly better and learn about her experiences at York!


Full Name: Molly Celik    

Age: 21

Year & Program: 3rd year History (Exchange student)

Hometown: London, England

Nicknames: Mol


Molly’s Faves

Food: There’s no way I can choose!

Drink: Peach Lipton Ice Tea

TV Show: At the moment it’s One Day at a Time

Song: Any song by Muse

Hobby: Playing violin

Animal: Cat

Colour: Blue


Why did you choose to study at York University?

I chose to study at York University because it was an option for my exchange program. I fell in love with Toronto when I had visited before and wanted to come back. The history courses also looked really interesting as I’ve never been able to study Indigenous history before.


What has been your favourite memory at York so far?

My favourite memory at York so far is probably going out to brunch with my sorority big and twin! We had to wait in line for an hour, but it was well worth it for those delicious pancakes and having great company with me.


How has your experience being away from your family been? Any advice for any first years who will be living on residence?

I’m used to living away from my family because my home university is 4 hours away from London, but being an 8 hour flight has definitely been a big adjustment. Some advice I’d give to anyone living away for the first time is to make your room your own! I love putting up pictures to remind me of home. Also try to get to know the people in your residence so you’re not stuck in your room all the time.



If you could be famous, what would you be famous for?

I honestly have no idea! I would definitely want to be famous for something that involves helping others, or maybe something to do with music as I love to play the violin.


What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

If I won the lottery, I would probably go on a holiday to some place hot! I can’t wait for the warmer weather to finally show up.


Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years I will hopefully be working at a job, doing something that I enjoy. Although, I’m not sure exactly what that is yet, as I’m still trying to decide what path I want to take.



What is a motto/quote that you live by, and why?

A motto that I  live by is “Do what you want without caring about other people’s opinions.” I love this because you shouldn’t care what other people think and you will end up missing out on things because you’re never really being your true self.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Right now an accomplishment that I’m most proud of is probably moving to a different country and university. I have definitely made the best of it and had a lot of great new experiences as it’s been a whole new level of independence.


Any final words or messages for the readers?

Spring and summer will be here soon!!



All photos are courtesy of Molly Celik


Her Campus at York University