When you are a full-time student juggling not only school work, but also your part-time job, extra-curricular activities, family errands, and on top of that maybe a social life, there is sometimes no time left for yourself. At  least, that’s how I usually feel and even when you try to spend time with yourself, you don’t even realize how it flew by so quickly. For the past few months, I have been seeing and hearing a lot about “self-care” and how we all deserve and need that for our own well being first before we make ourselves available for service for the world. Spending time on my “self-care” routine or just a day dedicated to myself is one of my favorite things to do once in a while, which makes me feel happy and more energized than ever, while helping my mental health as well. I’m going to share some of my favorite ways to relax and do a mini spa day myself while also recommending some spas everyone should check out!
Photo by Steve Buissinne
On a usual pamper routine, I start the day off by heading to the gym, which is my holy place and I could not live without it. If you’re interested in knowing more about how I started my fitness journey and how to start being healthier through simple steps, feel free to read my other article here. I work out for about an hour, and then I use the sauna at my gym, which is my second holy place. If you haven’t tried a sauna yet, I really recommend it! It helps me feel very relaxed and free from tension, especially after a workout when some of my muscles are very sore. The sauna helps you open up your pores, helps with your blood circulation, flushes toxins from your body and more. When you step into a sauna, you are entering a zone of relaxation, disconnecting yourself from the busy and noisy world, away from all the technology: you are choosing to relax and relieve stress.
Photo by Fernando Zamora
Following my workout at the gym, I sometimes use bath bombs from Lush, which I am sure many people use as part of their self-care routine, or I just shower regularly if I’m too lazy to prep for it in my bathtub. I like to put on Korean sheet masks that I usually get from The Face Shop, Etude House or other various Korean brands. I like to stock up on my face sheet masks because they are so great! They help me feel relaxed, makes my skin soft and prepares my skin for bed so I wake up with nice and supple skin in the morning. I usually do sheet masks before a special event day in order to look fresh and ready for the big day. I recommend going to Pacific Mall because they have a wide selection of Korean skincare at their stores. After my mask, I do my usual skincare  routine and any ointments, light up my scented candle and then catch on “The Office” or start a new movie on Netflix. That is basically like a perfect “me day” for myself and I feel so satisfied and happy after performing all these tasks.
Photo by Jill Wellington
Thus, it is totally possible to have such have comfort at your own home! However, there is nothing wrong in splurging on yourself sometimes and take pampering to the next level. I love getting massages and facials, so if you’re like me, you should check out some of the following local spas:
Scandinav Spa — Blue Mountain
Elmwood Spa — Downtown Toronto
Serenity Spa & Lounge — Downtown Toronto
Sweetgrass Spa — Downtown Toronto