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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

A homemaker often refers to someone who looks after the household and children. Many people view the homemaker as the most important profession in the world. Every homemaker might have a different story but the similarity between them is that they take on a full-time job at home that requires an equal effort compared to any other job in the public sphere. Some homemakers just manage the household with the help of a house help but some prefer to work independently.

However, the role of a homemakers also differs in different countries. For example, I am from India but I reside in Canada, so I have seen the perspective of homemakers in both countries. If I talk about my family, my mother is a housewife/homemaker in India. She takes it as a full-time job and therefore, she looks after the children and house with the help of servants, and this is her only role. On the other hand, when I look at my aunts here in Canada, they must do two full time jobs because they must earn money and look after the household without any outside help.

Overall, the dual jobs make it very difficult for women to manage and their schedule becomes so full, that they hardly can take out time for themselves. On the other hand, when looking at this role from a gender perspective, society looks at homemaker’s roles to be female oriented. It’s not written anywhere that a woman must be a homemaker nor it’s a law in the constitution then why do we expect women to be the homemakers? It’s been going on from many years that women are the homemakers while the man is supposed to go outside to work and earn money. It’s the law of nature that a women can give birth to an offspring, but it doesn’t mean, she must be the one to take care of that child completely. It should be both mother and father who should take the equal responsibility of the child since both are responsible for producing an offspring. 

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Courtesy of GLDN

In case of household work, wouldn’t it be better if both partners equally participate in the household chores. For example, if one person is cooking food, then the other can do the dishes, or it can be vice versa. Additionally, managing household is an important role in one’s life, it is also important because a homemaker plays a significant role in the kid’s upbringing. Therefore, it helps the kids to grown into a good human being or adult in the upcoming years, which makes the kid part of our society today. All these duties help other jobs and therefore, they all are interconnected. It’s like a cycle of life and everything is connected to each other and if one element is missing or something gets wrong in the middle, then the whole cycle is interrupted. As a result, Homemakers are important and we should give them equal respect and they should be appreciated for the role they play in our lives today. 

Hello! I am a Bachelor of Commerce student at York University. I am from India. I am in my last year of program. I am excited to be part of HCYU.