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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Hello again! I hope everyone’s November is going as smoothly as it can. I know November is a stressful and packed time for a lot of us and it can get overwhelming. I’m here to write a lighthearted piece on the idea of chasing what we don’t have and why it is great to have goals, but why it’s also so important to love and be grateful for all that you are and have. 


I always hear people with curly hair say “wow, I wish I had straighter hair” or people with straight hair say “it would be so cool to have curly hair.” Bigger breasted girls wishing for smaller breasts and vice versa. People constantly wishing they had a different eye colour than what they have. I am even guilty of these! My question is: why can’t we just be happy and content with what we have? My tentative conclusion is that it is human instinct. I believe that if we aren’t totally happy with ourselves, we will accompany that with chasing after what we don’t have. I believe we do this because if we don’t fully love ourselves then we automatically think that any characteristic we don’t have is superior. In response to that, we chase them.

Love yourself written on wall
Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst/Shopify

Let’s take a step back and take a look at goals. Goals are a really amazing thing to have. They motivate us, they inspire us and most of all they push us. Let’s take a look at S.M.A.R.T. goals. Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. Having smart and healthy goals is a great way to keep you in line and motivated. It keeps you working towards something that you want. Looking at the big picture, you will never get to the destination without enduring the journey along with it. The journey may be difficult, but the harder you work means you will be even more appreciative of the goals you reach in the end. 


The biggest point with the conversation we are having here is setting realistic goals. You can set any goal for yourself in the world. However, you have to ask yourself if the goal is realistic. Is it actually naturally possible for you to attain this goal? You can’t change who you naturally are. You can’t change your natural eye colour, you can’t change your natural breast shape or size and you can’t change your natural hair texture. However, you can change your mindset about your own characteristics.

grateful sign
Photo by Dylan Ferreira from Unsplash
Working towards not needing to chase what you don’t have will be a journey. Like I mentioned before, I am even guilty of wishing for something different than I currently have. Take on that journey. Make it a realistic goal to love yourself and be grateful for what you DO have instead of wishing for everything you don’t. The journey towards self-love is a whole other topic in itself but the first step is deciding you are going to take on that journey for all it is. The ups, the downs and learning the discipline it takes. Nobody is perfect and nobody totally completely loves every aspect about themselves every day. It’s an ongoing journey, and you will learn more about yourself than you’ve ever known if you are open to realizing why you are so perfect just the way you are.

mental health signs on a fence
Photo by Dan Meyers from Unsplash
To conclude, take it all in. Look at your eyes in the mirror everyday and appreciate their colour because every eye colour is beautiful. Appreciate your hair texture for what it is because there are pros and cons to every different kind of hair texture. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. You deserve to love yourself for everything that you are, instead of everything that you aren’t.

Hi, Im Jaden! I am a Bachelor of Science Psychology major at York University. I love to read, write, workout and crochet.
Feimoon is in her fourth and final year as an undergraduate student at York University, majoring in Communication Studies. She is passionate about traveling, fashion, beauty, writing and spreading positivity. She is now an Alumni of Delta Psi Delta, and past President. Now she focuses on being a Co-Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus York University chapter!