I know these days, time seems to be abundant. Listed below are things you could do every day at any time, regardless of the current situation of the world. Finding yourself, your creativity or just finding a way to pass the time is important, and these are some things that can help.
- Reading
You can pick up that book that you bought three years ago and never read; maybe even read something online. Scribd, an e-book and audiobook service, is having a free trial and you can find a lot of great books!
Some interesting reads include Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, 1984 by George Orwell, or All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.
- Bullet Journal
This is a great thing to do to pass the time, because you can put ANYTHING inside of your journal – writings, pictures, quotes, etc. Using Pinterest, you can find a lot of inspiration!
- Abstract Art
Anyone can be an abstract artist, you just need some paper and writing utensil. Express your feelings during these lockdowns, let your emotions fly!
For inspiration, you can check out Composition VII by Wassily Kandinsky.
- Calligraphy
This is hard to learn for some people, but even when considered easy, it can take a while to fully pick it up. But it’s a great way to improve your penmanship during your time at home. You can check Pinterest for this as well!
- Photography
You don’t need a professional camera, you can just your phone. Whatever you get inspiration from, or you find interesting – snap a pic! Maybe even share your new skills with your friends!
- Dance
Sometimes you just need to have a dance party, even if it’s a party of one! Put on your favorite song or album and enjoy the music!