When it comes to working out and trying to stay fit while also attending college, either you don’t have the time to do it or you simply don’t want to. I know I don’t, and that’s why I’ve come up with a few ideas that can help make working out easier and much more fun.
When you’re on campus and you need to get to your next class, try taking the long way there. Walking is a great form of exercise and it helps build up stamina as well. You can also take the stairs more if your class isn’t on the first floor. I obviously do not recommend being late for class, but running is also a great way to build stamina. You can even go crazy and high knees if you want to.
Along with walking, you can try hiking. Now, if you’re not really into nature, then maybe a walk around your local park would be best, but if you are into it, hiking is a great form of exercise. There are also trails that are more for experts than for intermediate hikers or beginners. These trails can test your balance and agility, which build core strength. Obviously, hiking is not ideal year-round if you live in a place where the snow can stop you, but spring and summer are the best seasons to do this so you can breathe in the fresh air without shivering.
You can also start stretching while you’re studying. If you sit for a long time, then it’s recommended you stand up and walk around for a bit. This does help, but not everyone feels like standing. You can stretch your arms while sitting, or even get on the floor with your books and stretch your legs. You can also do this while binge watching Netflix, which you’re most likely to do after a successful study session… or even unsuccessful.
You don’t need a gym or a personal trainer to get a good workout in, especially if your schedule doesn’t allow it. Save your money and take the extra time to study more or get some rest. College students need to study, but we do also need sleep.