Summertime is a ton of fun – warm weather, BBQs, extra time to spend with family and friends – but, unfortunately, it can be a time when some of the worst Beauty crimes are committed. Check out these 5 beauty mistakes and how you can avoid being their victims this summer.
1) Skipping moisturizer
Because your skin feels more oily throughout the day during the summer, you might feel inclined to stop applying your daily facial moisturizer. Don’t do it! There are multiple reasons to keep on using your moisturizer during these hot months – for one, when you stop hydrating your skin, it will be deprived of moisture and your pores will start releasing more oil to try to counteract the dryness. Secondly, most daily moisturizers have some SPF, which is important for protecting your face from the sun’s damaging rays. Lastly, halting your moisturizer use all of a sudden can cause breakouts as your skin tries to balance out and adapt to having no moisturizer. So, just keep applying that moisturizer like you normally would!
2) Packing on the powder
An alternative to discontinuing your moisturizer use to prevent oily skin during the summer is packing on tons and tons of powder. This mistake will make your makeup look caked on, as if you are wearing a mask. Furthermore, loading your skin with a lot of heavy powder can clog your pores and cause some nasty breakouts. Also, coming from an economic standpoint, it’s a waste of the product to use unnecessary amounts! So, keep to the simple dusting of a light powder in order to keep your skin light and fresh (and your budget in check).
3) Skipping the eye primer
It is true that with the warm weather, makeup will slip off a little more easily. For this reason, it is important that whenever you are using an eyeshadow apply a primer to your lids first. Eyeshadow primers are really good at absorbing excess moisture from your eyelids and making eyeshadow colors lock on all day. Not to mention, they keep the color vibrant and pretty!
4) Wearing your hair in a ponytail a lot
It’s really hot out, and the back of your neck could use some air, so you put your hair up in a pony tail … every single day … all summer long. Stop! As shocking as it might be, those little hair-ties are not as innocent as they might seem. In fact, if you repeatedly keep your hair in a tight pony tail, it can cause your hair to break at that point. This causes those pesky fly–aways, so make sure to give your hair a break and wear it down and natural every now and then. A great alternative is using a soft headband as well!
5) Applying self-tanner in the morning
This mistake might not make sense right away, but if you have fallen victim to it, then you know how detrimental it can be! Imagine this: You wake up in the morning, take a shower, dry off, and then apply your self-tanner. Then you go on with your day – washing your hands, maybe going out in the rain, etc., etc. Then you go home that night, and are changing into your PJs and what do you see? Yep, your skin is now an interesting pattern of rain drops, and lines from water dripping along your arms. So, try to apply your self-tanner at night before you go to bed. This way you can be sure that it has 8 hours to sink in and you can avoid the interesting patterns the next day.
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