If you’ve ever used one, you know that peel-off face masks are a the ultimate blessing. For some reason, peeling a mask full of gunk from your pores is the most grossly satisfying thing on the planet. However, they also come in small tubes meant only for your face, for a reason people – and some beauty vloggers are finding that out the hard way.
Several beauty YouTubers are participating in what they’re calling the “full body peel-off mask challenge.” It’s exactly as it sounds – instead of using the mask only on your face, you put it all. Over. Yourself.
As amazing as they are, one drawback to peel-off masks is that they can cause a little pain and discomfort during the removal process. Meaning, putting them all over your body? Probably not such a great idea. Not to mention it involves more than just a few tubes of mask (which is damn expensive!) and someone to assist with the application.
While the participating vloggers, which included Izabela Stress and Nicole Skyes encountered some pretty significant issues such as being accused of using blackface (not so much) and developing an allergic reaction (ouch), their videos have racked up a combined 8 million views. We’re going to take a guess here and say that’s because people are weirdly fascinated, not because they’re planning on DIY-ing this idea at home.
Watch Nicole’s hilarious version below and just *try* not to cringe. (Also, for the love of everything, please don’t do this to yourself):