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Dolce & Gabbana’s New Collection Celebrates Diverse Families

In the past year, designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have faced a fair bit of criticism. In an interview with Italian magazine Panorama last March, Dolce criticized IVF and same-sex marriage, saying, “We oppose gay adoptions. The only family is the traditional one.” He also called IVF children “synthetic children.” 

Celebrities, including Elton John, took to social media to protest Dolce & Gabbana after these remarks, going so far as to use the hashtag #BoycottDolceGabbana. John declared on Instagram that he would never wear D&G again:

However, six months after the original incident, it looks as if the designers are issuing a public apology via their latest collection, which features bags and tees showcasing a variety of diverse, mixed families. The designers released photos on Instagram, using the hashtag #dgfamily. One shirt includes both designers with their dogs. 



A photo posted by stefanogabbana (@stefanogabbana) on




A photo posted by stefanogabbana (@stefanogabbana) on

The photos of the collection were released at a critical time—this month, Italian politicians are due to vote on the legality of same-sex marriages. 

Though it’s refreshing to see such a major label bring increased visibility and awareness to non-traditional families, many are questioning whether the designers have truly had a change of heart, if they’re really only trying to do damage control. So what do you think; is it too little too late?

Blair Donovan is a junior at Miami University in Ohio studying Journalism and Professional Writing. As an online shopping addict, she spends her free time stalking outfits on social media and ordering more clothes than she could ever possibly need. You can almost always find her watching Netflix or eating macaroni and cheese. She hopes to pursue a career as a writer at a fashion magazine.