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Emma Watson: Best Dressed Collegiette?

I know you’re wondering why Emma Watson isn’t the rep image. You’ll have to read on to find out!

Watson has come a long way from the perfectionist witch (no, really) she was in Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone. Now a world-renowned actress and model, almost as well known for her Burberry campaign and unique fashion sense as for her break out role in the hit Harry Potter film series, she has turned out to be a very well-rounded woman. And, because of her amazing fashion—who isn’t just a little bit jealous?—Watson is commonly thought of as one of the best dressed young women in the film industry.

Although Watson is no longer a student at Brown University, whether because of fame, bullying, boredom, or all of the above, we at Her Campus consider her an honorary collegietteTM. After all, it takes some quick thinking and natural cunning to turn yourself into an international icon—we approve. So, as she is both well-dressed and an honorary collegietteTM, it is only a natural extension to ask: is Emma Watson the best dressed collegietteTM.

This may come as a surprise, but I would say she is not. But it’s not because I don’t love her clothes (I do), admire her fashion sense (I do), or take her seriously (I do). It’s rather because I don’t think there’s such a thing as a single Best Dressed CollegietteTM. Think about it: yes, Emma Watson is pretty awesome and yes, I’d be ridiculously happy if I inherited her wardrobe, but there are a ton of collegiettesTM out there who style looks that are every bit as cute and unique as Watson’s.

And, not to diminish the awesome-ness of her style, butit’s not exactly like she has to shop on a budget. I’m pretty impressed by normal girls who can pull off really awesome looks for just a few bucks—some of my friends, including my sister, can look stunning in outfits that come in under $20! How’s that for ‘best-dressed’?

These looks are just a few examples of some other well-dressed collegiettesTM. Yes, I’ll definitely be taking inspiration from Watson, but she’s not the only one. And – just in case you were wondering – that’s why I’m the rep image and not Watson: we can ALL be the best dressed collegiettesTM.

What do you think? Share your opinion in the comments below!

Danai Kadzere is a Human Evolutionary Biology Concentrator at Harvard College. In addition to Her Campus, she blogs at http://living-learning-eating.blogspot.com and loves acting, reading, writing, fashion, trying new things, yogurt, apples, and life. After college, she's being absolutely ridiculous and moving at NYC to be an actress or a poor writer (whichever sounds more plausible to you).