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Here’s How You Should REALLY Be Blowdrying Your Hair

It may seem like a simple task. Blowdrying your hair is something that many women do every single day. However, for those who are looking for some tips on how to make the process more effective, we have created a list of things that you can try the next time you want to dry your hair.

1. Always towel dry thoroughly

After you get out of the shower, make sure to towel dry your hair and remove any excess water. It’ll shorten the amount of time it takes to heat-dry!

2. Start at the roots

Blowdrying the roots first will stop water from dripping down your strands!

3. Blowdry your scalp from a slight distance

Try to keep the blowdryer about 5 to 6 inches away from your scalp (especially if it is on a hot setting!) to avoid any burning.

4. Separate your hair into top and bottom sections

Separating your hair using clips or hair ties will make your blowdrying more efficient and effective because you’ll get every part. If you leave all your hair down while blowdrying you may end up missing sections (especially at the back!).

5. Flip your hair forward for volume

If your hair tends to fall flat once it’s dry, try blowdrying with your hair flipped in front of you. We find that this helps for those seeking more volume.

6. Avoid a brush with metal bristles

Metal bristles heat up very quickly—and they also can cause breakage. Try for a nylon brush with the bristles close together—this will give you more control.

7. Constantly move the blowdryer

It’s tempting to hold your blowdryer in one place but it actually won’t dry the section faster. If you constantly move the blowdryer (even just a little bit) you will see results faster. 

8. Hair a bit too voluminous? Put it in a bun

If you hair is a bit too big once you finish drying it, brush it back and tie it into a bun. Leave it like this for at least half an hour and when you take it out, it will have flattened out slightly—without losing all that volume you’ve achieved.