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Style > Beauty

InStyle’s New Beauty Bible Doesn’t Disappoint

If you’re anything like me, you get beyond excited to crack open your copy of InStyle every month. The best-selling fashion and beauty magazine always features the best advice and fun features and never disappoints! Well, InStyle ladies, it’s time to get really excited because the beauty experts at your favorite magazine have just released their new beauty bible, InStyle: Ultimate Beauty Secrets($22.95).  

The book includes more than 200 tips from InStyle editors, top-notch makeup pros and Hollywood’s biggest celebrities, and features chapters on Skin, Foundation & Concealer, Cheeks, Eyes, Lips, Nails and more—with useful tips for every skin type and tone.
Here’s just a little bit of what you can find inside the margins:
Celebrity Style: Take inspiration from Hollywood’s hottest stars and get advice on how to emulate their radiant looks.
Special Occasion Secrets: Just in time for the holidays, learn how to perfect your holiday party look! Or, check out tips for perking up your makeup for a wedding or dinner date.
Seasonal Tips: You change your clothes from season to season, so why not change your makeup and beauty routines? Learn how your beauty needs change from month to month and pick up some regimen- tweaking tips that will keep you looking fabulous every season.
I took a read through the book and am quite impressed at all the great tips in there! They range from tips on how to figure out your skin type, to when you should throw out old makeup and much more. Are you excited yet? Go get your copy!

The book is available in bookstores nationwide and online.

Chrissy Callahan is a double major in journalism and media studies (self-designed) and French and Francophone studies at Brandeis University, graduating December 2010. A Medford, Mass. native, she works in Brandeis' Department of Creative Services, helping edit and maintain the Brandeis website. Before writing and interning for Her Campus, Chrissy was features editor for the student newspaper the Brandeis Hoot for three years. When she's not hard at work, you're most likely going to find Chrissy indulging her passion for shopping, wearing way too much pink, or eating cookie dough ice cream. She also enjoys traveling, and dreams of traveling to Paris frequently for her future career. After graduating, Chrissy hopes to get a job in beauty or fashion journalism.