Thermal Hair Care, Inc was founded by Sandra Snell, a hair stylist, in 2014. Her company values quality hair products and excellent...
Let me guess, as Spring Break is approaching, you are beginning to realize the lack of ideas you possess of taming your mane for the...
At times it may seem impossible to develop the perfect twist-out or braid-out due to the disagreement between what we want to do with our...
The only people who understand what it takes to be a naturalista, are the naturalistas! We are overprotective of our hair and will only let...
How Do I Promote Healthy Hair Growth? What would you change if you were told your maintenance routine is deteriorating your hair strands,...
Healthy Hair Growth and Heat Don't Mix! We all come to a point where we feel as if our hair growth has been completely stunted. It's not a...
Why You Should Wear Protective Styles The question that builds the barrier between thinking about protective styling and actually doing a...